Chapter Two - Daily Life - "Insomnia."

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Cat's eyes fluttered open gently, and once again, her world came crashing down around her. Cat remembered the previous days, and sighed, lifting her cumbersome body slowly to peer around the room she'd grown awfully acclimated to.

Her mind raced as her body ached terribly, trying to keep up with the barrage of commands it threw her way. Cat blinked sleep from her eyes and reluctantly jumped out of bed, stretching her wings, then her body, and then yawning. She padded to the door, sighing once more for good measure and pressing her pawpads on the scanner drearily.

It before loudly and she hurried into the hallways. Her mind thought quickly, wondering where she should go... And Cat decided on the Cafeteria. With a huff, she set out to the nearby door.

When Cat finally meandered into the room, there were only a few people there. She didn't understand why, but maybe it was because everyone had later bodily clocks. Cat usually woke up early, what with the child and all.

Then she remembered.

The video.


It knocked her sick. Was Midnight okay?! Oh god. what had that sick asshat Miokai done to her baby?! Cat was so focused on worrying, she barely noticed the gigantic figure walking up to her slowly, and analysing her.

"Takari... Wonders if small purple cat okay?" It asked politely. The voice jolted Cat with a start, and she found herself gawking at Takari. "Purple cat?" Takari pressed, cocking its head slightly to the left like a dog. "Is purple kitty okay? Kitty seemed distressed. Takari doesn't like distress." It murmured, clapping its hard hooves together out of natural habit.

Cat finally blinked and closed her mouth, looking up at Takari once more. She nodded with some vague uncertainty. "Yeah... Uhm. Thanks for that, Takari." She smiled weakly at it.

Takari itself seemed taken aback. It fixed the floating blue tie on its trapezium-like torso embarrassedly. "What did Takari do to deserve thanks?" It looked away nervously.

Cat chuckled breathily. "Never mind." She shook her head, and walked past Takari to a table at which Hanna and Oluchi sat. In front of Hanna were two things. And empty plate with crumbs on it, and the fattest sketchbook Cat had ever laid eyes on. Pieces of paper stuck out the sides, and all of the paper seemed unevenly cut, jutting out at awkward sides. The page Hanna was showcasing to Oluchi was a page on Death Cap mushrooms.

"You won't actually feel any real poisoning symptoms until 24 hours after you consume it, which I think is so interesting!" Hanna beamed at Oluchi, quite happy to ramble about mushrooms to someone. Oluchi listened intently, before asking her a question. "So if you ingested one, you wouldn't realise you had until it is far too late?"

Hanna nodded joyfully, despite the dark undertones of the conversation. Cat cleared her throat, immediately drawing the attention of both of the girls. "Hi!" Cat greeted, sounding much happier than she was. "Mind if I sit here?" She asked, dipping her head to the two out of respect. Oluchi clapped her hands happily. "Oh, go ahead! Hanna was just telling me the most interesting info about-"

"Death Caps, I know. I overheard on my way here." Cat finished, flashing Oluchi a look. Oluchi laughed, and took a sip of the coffee she had on a saucer in front of her. "You nosy bugger-" Hanna giggled, covering her mouth and widening her eyes in mock anger.

As they chatted, more people strolled into the Cafeteria, seeming groggy and exhausted. The last person to arrive was... Of course.

In came Mark, looking just about as disinterested in everyone else as always. Cat watched in disdain as he moseyed over to the darkest corner of the Cafeteria, and took a seat at a little table. It was clear he didn't want to be disturbed.

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