Chapter One - Daily Life 2 -"Motive Shmotive"

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I woke up, expecting the crisp, clean light of the sun shining through my curtains. Instead I found myself waking up to the room I'd been given yesterday and a small ray of light piercing through the tiniest gap in the massive metal slabs covering my windows. I grasped reality after a peaceful night's sleep and remembered what had happened...

"You're gonna have to kill someone... He can't really be serious, right?" I said to myself disbelievingly. But, after all, what if he was...? I shook that thought from my head, expecting it to be a simple prank, not a reality I'm going to have to deal with.

I had no idea what time it was until a strange tune rang through the monitors I hadn't even noticed were there.

"Hey, hey! Get your fat asses up and into the gym! We didn't finish our chat last night!"

The picture of that rancid axolotl disappeared off of the screen rather quickly after that message has been said. I groggily shifted my paws and hopped out of bed. I shook the rest of the tiredness out of my body and took a quick stretch, attempting to ease the tense feeling in my body. With a huff of slight relaxation, I began to walk briskly to the door, scanning my paw on the black screen next to it to open it.

I wasn't too far into my quick journey to the gym before I met up with Axi again. "Oh, hey! I was going to the gym! Are you going to the gym too? Are you? Can I join?" She blurted out one question after another. "Uhm, sure?" I said, not even sure about the answer I was giving myself. She bounced down the hallway with me, talking about parties and having fun when all I could think about was the upcoming talk we were gonna have to have with that stupid axolotl.

"Hey, are you listening? I said I wanna have a party with five rocks singing Beatles songs!" She said, obviously complaining about my inconsistent partaking in the conversation. "Oh sorry. I was... Thinking about how you should have a party with five crickets singing Beatles songs." I made up something stupid on the spot to keep her content with the amount of contribution to the conversation I was giving. She looked at me as if I was Einstein and started blabbering about putting crickets in tiny tuxedos and I zoned out.

We arrived at the gym in no time after that and I was relieved to be splitting up with her after that tiring conversation. How she doesn't run out of energy, I don't know. The fat axolotl, Monokai jumped back on the podium, making me realise we were the last there. "So! You're all confused and definitely tired because I messed up your sleep schedules, right? Righhht? " He sneered evilly. I swear I could hear some people roll their eyes. He took a wobbly step on his chubby feet and brandished a few discs at us all.

"What are those?" Akira asked. He jumped off of the podium and began handing them out. I got mine last, and I saw they had our names and 'motive video' written on them. "I didn't get to fully explain it last night, because it was night pretty soon after we met, so here's a brief explanation on how you get out of here." He said excitedly.

"So, if you wanna get out, you gotta kill one of your friends here, right? So, I've prepared motives for it. But, you might think 'motive Shmotive, why would I do that?' and yeah, that's perfectly acceptable. So you could just stay here forever instead! Your choice. Family and fame, or lousy old school? I know what I'd choose."

He finished his speech with a small mental nudge. "There's a catch, isn't there?" Bonnie said confidently. "Oh, just a small class trial if you kill someone. If the class figures you out then sorry, you can't escape. If they don't, you get to leave and they get forced into quietness about it. Permanently. " He ended the sentence ominously. "Now, go! Shoo! Go to the IT room and watch those videos!" He snickered.

We all left, not in very high spirits. I followed Shiro, who obviously knew where it was. "How come you're so certain you know where this is?" I asked curiously. He turned his head round to look at me and still managed to walk the right way. "Because unlike the rest of you who went straight to bed, I explored and attempted to find the nearest computer. Unfortunately they have no contact to the outside world, but they do have the Unity coding engine, which will suffice for me." He sounded as though he was going to convince Monokai to download more game development software.

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