Lion in the Library

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Dedicated to panna_niall who is like a virtual soul sister and to her encouraging words.

"Oops, sorry!" I ducked from the flying mass of books as I dashed across the crowded hallway.

"Watch it!" The person, who was stupid enough to come in my war path, shouted as his books went crashing on the floor.

" Kathy!" Another voice was shouting, " Where are you going?"

" Library. See you guys tomorrow." I waved hastily at Dave and Vir, nearly running into someone else.

So after five minutes I was standing, very much out of breath, on the bridge which connected the main campus to the library. The harsh wind drew my hair against my face and I glanced up. Dark, swirling mass of clouds were descending from western horizon- it was going to rain soon.

Taking in a deep breath, I continued walking to the Victorian-era white marble building which looked more like a Count's mansion than a college library. Pushing open the oak double doors, I peeked inside and inhaled the soothing aroma of paper- the crisp, yellowing pages of a treasure trove. I'll never accept it to my friends but I actually was a nerd at heart- I loved libraries but that might be because I love their similarity with the one at Hogwarts.

Now, where to find this Ved character? If I knew him even a bit then he might again be in some dark, isolated corner- brooding. I searched for him in between the ancient, towering (and might I add, utterly enticing) columns of books and as if my mental prowess could not get any better- he was indeed sitting at the back corner with his back turned to the other few occupants of the library, his eyes religiously scanning the pages of some book.

I sneaked behind his back and tried to peek at his book.

"You are finally here." His voice was meek as ever.

" Uh?" I was all I could say, how did he knew that I was here? Surely he cannot see behind his back like Alastor Moody, na Kathy, refrain from Harry Potter reference.

" Please sit." His meek voice also held an authority, if you know what I mean( No, you don't? Never mind).

" I hope I did not keep you waiting for long." I said politely as I shuffled into the chair across from him.

His aristocratic and very-distracting lips pursed, " Not for long. I mean you were late but...."

I glanced at my watch, " It is 3."

"No, it is 3:02." His face was devoid of emotions.

The words:- meet me in the library at 3 sharp.

I swallowed, he is definitely socially-challenged.

" Yes, so.....?" I trailed off, awkward. Now what to say?

"So?" He coaxed.

" um.. should we start studying?"

" Sure", he smiled timidly, " what do you want to study first?"

" Microbiology."

"Good choice, seeing as how our Microbio professor practically loves you."

I blinked. Did he just tried cracking a joke? Nerds can be sarcastic too.

" Oh yeah...hahaha" I forced a laugh.

" So the first chapter deals with..." and the next 2 hours were a blur. He had my rapt attention, with wild hand gestures he was successful in putting his point across and I decided that if ever he became a CEO - boy! he is gonna be the best at his trait. It was the first time that all those little blue chicken scrawls in my copy made sense. It was also the first time I had seen him so free- so much in his comfort zone. He seemed like a totally different person and I was dazzled not only by his knowledge but by him, his long lashes as he stared at my notes, the near-smile when I finally got the concept right, the slow trail of his elegant and long fingers against the spines of the thick tome, the low murmur of his voice that seem to touch the very core of..... now I can almost hear Dave's voice- " Ooohh, our Kathy has a thing for nerds." Cut the mental relay, Kathy! I blinked and looked away from his face.

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