50 shades of..... blue???

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" You did what?"

" I punched the shit out of him, even adorned his face with a black eye", I stated proudly.

" I don't understand, Kathy. Why would you do that?", Dave, my best friend, the Ronald Weasely to our Golden trio, The third Musketeer, frowned.

" Because Tanishq cheated on me."Hello Mr. Obvious!

" Yes but you said that you didn't care about him seeing as you weren't attracted to him in the first place" , Dave ran his hands through his Raven hair and I swear I saw some fan girls in the background swoon.

" That doesn't excuse him, It was a relationship, emotions or not. Anyways that's not why I hit him."

He raised an elegant eyebrow, " Care to elaborate?"

" Tanishq met me before class and apologized . He said he was sorry and would like to make amends, something along the line of 'I still love you babes, anything to make things better'. And drawled on for half an hour and I was getting annoyed. So, I delivered some really nice punches, told him we are even and left."

Dave laughed as he said , " Now he'll never come near you."

"Not in a million years," I agreed.

Dave threw his arms around me and sighed,"Come, my sweets, lets have ice-cream, the cure of the wounded heart."

I punched him playfully on his arm but he just chuckled and ran to the college canteen, with me hot on trail.


People call Dave the college's heartthrob but I always failed to see the reason behind it until, perhaps, in moments like these, when he single handedly placed orders, brought up another senseless conversation with me, soothed his very cling and insecure girlfriend and with a flip of his hair managed to strike every fangirl in vicinity dead. Yes, the boy was talented.

" Kathy, I have ordered strawberry I know how you like it", he winked and I just nodded my head.

"But love...", his clingy girlfriend cried, " I just, like, hate it!"

" Why don't you order something else for yourself, Tanya?" He told her patiently.

"I will but you know, like, we are, like, each others boyfriend- girlfriend. Shouldn't we, like, know everything about each other?"

I swear  to God, one more 'like' from her mouth and I'll strangle her.

"Tanya sweety, just because we are in a relationship doesn't mean we have to be each others walking-taking-bio data." he reasoned politely.

" But..." she started to argue and I tuned out their conversation. Here I thought I'll gulp down strawberry ice cream while playing goofy with my bestie, but somethings were never meant to be.

My eyes flickered to find something interesting and soon found it. There sitting in the most dark and unpopulated corner of the canteen was the boy, the boy-who-must-not-be-named (not talking about Voldemort). There were 2 reasons he was never discussed in our gang-

1) We, simply, did not know his name.

2) His mere mention drove Dave to insanity(Dave never told why)

I chanced a glance at Dave. He was still arguing with Tanya and had thankfully, not noticed the boy-who-must-not-be-named. I turned around in my seat to observe the boy.

He was nimbly holding a book in his elegantly long fingers and his Harry Potter like spectacles were perched on the bridge of his nose.His over-sized baggy t-shit added to his (predictably) lean frame and his dark hair fell in messy strands over his forehead. All in all, he was a typical nerd with a (presumptively) low self esteem but not a "know-it-all" air. He was invisible, well, at least to everyone except me. For me, he was a typical stranger who occupied the most unpopulated corner with a mysterious background and zero friends. He was sometimes Dave's punching bag but at the end of the day I always saved his skin. He was not a very significant part of my life but he was definitely not a nobody.

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