DISCLAIMER- Makeover in progress

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Ved flashed me a small smile and said, " I am quite used to this. I don't mind anymore."

Giving a wry bye he left and I sagged into the couch, wondering about this little riddle called Ved.

I sit in silence for a while, listening only to my calm breathing  until a commotion from Dave's room caught my interest.

" But Dad I don't understand, why do we have to take him along?!" Dave's voice's decibel has long passed the 'I'm-too-pissed- scale'. He was in all probability talking to his ever-absent, 'every strand of hair black even at 50', billionaire father. "What do you mean he is important?! He will come along as always in his baggy clothes and taped spectacles! He is such a let down to our family name! You can't possibly invite him to a business conclave!" A pause and then, " No! I am not going to persuade him to come. Thank you for your precious time, Mr. Gaur. Bye!"

Just as always their conversation ends in a fight, well, I don't exactly know whether his father was furious too but a man who does not give much time to his son can't be that good, right?

Pushing a cushion under my chin, I mull over an idea, just a vague tinkling. I know my best friend is not a villain, he is just a kid who wants his father's attention but then there is Ved. He never gets anyone's attention but neither does he complain. Well, what if I were to get him the attention, not make him so invisible to others. What if I make others see the potential that I saw in him. Feeling much like Henry Higgins from Pygmalion, I laughed.

"Well Eliza, let's make a lady out of you."

DISCLAIMER- Makeover in progress. We apologize for the discomfort.


I have been waiting here, in this stark white waiting room for Ved, and believe me whoever said that only women take time to get ready-lied!

"How long will it take?" I whine and stare at my wrist watch- 5 minutes to 6. The conclave does not start until half-past-six.

There is some shuffling behind the curtains which lead to Men's changing room and I kill the urge to sulk like a kid. It's getting late!

I was randomly checking my messenger when someone falls on the sofa- next to me. I mean it literally- not sit but fall! Startled, I turn around to look at the strange lady. She was young, perhaps a few years elder to me with her eyes wide and a shaky hand placed on her heart.

"Oh my! Have you ever seen such a perfection?!" She proclaims to the thin air.

Greatly questioning her sanity I follow her gaze and then I feel my jaws hitting the floor.

There standing near the linen partitions was Ved. His baggy clothes were replaced by form fitting tuxedos, those strong shoulders and perfect-V waist now visible under his white oxford shirt.His hands dug into the front pockets of his dark trousers and the long lapel of his coat had a small silver pin with white lotus, a symbol which I clearly remembered was of Dave's father's industrial group. For the first time I realized how tall he was- I had to crane my neck all the way back to look at him.

His blue gaze met mine shyly and I read his emotions at once- he was unsure.

I smiled at him reassuringly. "You look good", I said with a nod.

"Not like a clown?" He squinted his eyes skeptically.

"Not at all and don't tell me that those guys had to push you out just as they had to pull you in."

Ved  shrugged nonchalantly and I found myself laughing.

"Come on. You have a business conclave to attend."

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