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Alessandro follows me along the dark concrete hallways. It smells of piss, fear, and vomit down here. This is the place that makes grown men cry, the sounds echoing along the corridor.

Makeshift prison cells line the walls with their residents cowering in the back corners. Some of them quake while others look to be passed out. Each of them criminals in their own right.

Stopping at one of the last cells, I nod to the guard standing to the side of it. He reaches into his pocket, grabbing a key and unlocking the door.

Craig, like the little pussy he is, crawls backwards until his back is against the freezing cold wall. He whimpers, the smell of fresh urine filling the room.

"Have some fucking dignity." I grunt, crossing my arms over my chest.

The guard walks into the small cell, followed by another one of my men. They grab Craig under his arms, dragging him out into the hall.

He hasn't had food or water for two days now, so he doesn't have much energy in him to fight. He tries, but his efforts fall flat.

Together, they drag him to the last door at the end of the hall. Twin metal shackles hang from the ceiling, a lone lightbulb flickering overhead.

A metal table just to the left of the shackles holds everything Alessandro will need to extract his revenge.

When he told me that he wanted to kill Craig, I wasn't shocked. I had a feeling it was coming. There was no talking him out of it. So, I agreed. If this is what he needs to start the healing process, then so be it.

My men work together to get Craig's wrists into the shackles, hoisting him up so his body weight is supported only by his arms. His toes are barely touching the ground.

The man looks hideous. It wasn't hard to track him down. One of my soldiers found him in his uptown apartment, watching disgusting videos while jerking off his poor excuse for a cock.

They barged in on my command, easily sedating him. Alessandro and I watched through the video cameras each cell has as he woke up. His eyes widened and he screamed for help that wasn't going to come.

He screamed until I sent somebody in there to shut him the fuck up.

And now here we are. Standing in front of a man wearing nothing but a pair of boxers and a wife beater. His pot belly hangs out over his boxers and his graying hair is in matted knots.

Disgusting piece of human garbage.

I can hear Alessandro tapping his foot behind me. Stepping to the side, I make a sweeping gesture with my hand for him to walk forward. He does, staring at anywhere else than Craig.

The moment realization dawns on Craig's face, he starts to beg and plead again.

They always feel the need to do that. It's annoying. Die with a little bit of dignity.

The sound of Craig's pleading visibly irritates Alessandro. He reaches up to twirl his hair while tapping his foot. Knowing my youngest son, he won't tell anybody to gag our prisoner.

It's a good thing that I know Alessandro enough to anticipate his needs. He'll never want if I'm around. I'll be his voice when he can't use it.

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