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As soon as my car is put into park outside my office building, Alessandro is already out the door and reaching in to grab Arella.

She squeals at the sight of her brother and makes grabby hands at him. I guess I'm the equivalent of chopped liver now that he's around. Still, I can't help but smile at the sight of my two youngest children together.

Once Arella is safely in his arms, he lifts her up so their faces are level with each other. He rubs his nose against hers, then walks into the office building like he owns the damn place.

Not once does he look back to see if I'm following.

As I follow the two of them, Andrea tears into the parking lot, nearly hitting me on the way in. I jump back with a curse and shoot my favorite finger in his direction. Why must my son drive like he has no sense?

"Sorry about that, Papa!" He shouts through the open window once he's parked.

Rolling up the window, he shuts off the engine and exits the car. I roll my eyes at him and jog to catch up with Arella and Alessandro. They're both standing in the open foyer area, waiting on the elevator to take them to the top floor.

He holds her in one arm while signing to her with his free hand. He's telling her about the building and how we own all of it. If Arella understands, she doesn't show it. She just continues to look around in awe.

"It's unfair that he's the favorite brother." Andrea grumbles at my side.

"Get over it." Is my short reply.

"You're just salty because you're not her favorite anymore either."

Not wanting to reply because I know he's right, I step into the elevator with my children when it arrives. Alessandro shows the baby which button to press and I type in the code that will allow us to go to the upper-level offices.

My daughter watches me over her brothers shoulder. She lays her head down on his shoulder and gives me a cheeky smirk. Great, now I know how Freya feels.

"He was mine first, ya know?" I state playfully, raising my eyebrow at her.

She just giggles and lays her cheek on his. I can't even say that I'm surprised Dro is allowing this. He would do anything for his sister. To see him go from not allowing anybody to touch him, to letting a toddler lay her face against his is all I could ever ask for.

The elevator pings and we all step off. Andrea heads to his office and I walk to my own. The kids follow after me. Arella is staring up at everything with wide, blue eyes. She points to stuff and Alessandro signs to her what the item is.

Turning into my office, I try to look at it through new eyes to see what my baby is. Floor to ceiling windows showing the sprawling city life down below, white walls and marbled flooring, a modern fireplace on the left wall with several couches and chairs in front of it.

There's a large conference table to our left and some fake potted plants sprawled in certain corners. My favorite place? My desk right in front of the windows.

I would have pictures of my family hung up, but I have some not so pleasant people in my office at times. They would use anything against me, so I keep my family photos in the penthouse and away from work.

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