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"This is humiliating." I complain as a nurse pushes me towards the hospital's exit in a wheelchair.

"It's hospital policy. File a complaint if you don't like it." The nurse snaps, speeding up like she can't get me out of here quick enough.

I admire her bravery. Most wouldn't dare to speak to me that way. Yet, she doesn't it without hesitation. It's refreshing and annoying all at once.

"Just let the woman do her job, Damon. Nurses have a hard enough job already without having to deal with your attitude." Freya admonishes.

Turning to the nurse she says, "I'm truly sorry for his attitude. You've been nothing but amazing."

"It's okay. I deal with hundreds of men like him nearly every day. They come and go, grumbling about needing to be pushed out. Nothing new." The nurse waves off Freya's apology, stopping in front of the main entrance doors.

"Remember, keep the site clean and dry. If it starts leaking puss or develops a smell, come back. No strenuous work or lifting anything heavier than twenty pounds. That includes that darling little girl you have there." She points to Arella who's asleep in Freya's arms.

"Thanks, nurse. I'll take it from here." Locking the wheels of the chair, I stand with a grunt.

From here on out, I can't show any weakness. Anybody could be watching. Words already gotten out in our circles that I was shot. My enemies know I'm weakened and I have to put up a tough front. Let them know that I'm still here and can fight if need be.

That means not grimacing when I walk out of this hospital. I'm still sore and the incision site burns like hell. Still, I walk out of here like I'm one hundred percent put together.

Our car is pulled up and I unbutton my jacket before sliding into the back. Freya gets in on the other side, helping Arella into her carseat that's in the middle seat.

The baby whines the whole time, not wanting to be bucked into the one device that keeps her from flying out of the window in case of an accident. Rolling my eyes, I lean over and help Freya.

"You need to be buckled, my baby girl. If we let you sit in a big girl seat without your special buckles, you could go flying right out." I explain as I buckle her chest clip.

Arella points towards the window in question, making me chuckle. "Yes, baby girl. That's why your princess seat is needed."

Our driver slowly pulls out of the lot while I try to keep my composure. Every bump and slight shake aches like a bitch. Hell, I can't even wear my seatbelt correctly because of it rubbing against the still-raw wound.

"Alessandro will be happy to see you. He wanted to come to the hospital. It's just that with all the germs and strangers, he freaks out. Plus, Cerberus is back home. I'm sure he's missed all of us, mostly you." Freya shrugs like it doesn't offend her that the dog likes me more than her.

I can read my wife like my favorite book. She's jealous of the damn dog. Just like she gets a tad bit jealous of me being Arella's favorite parent.

"You're going to meet our doggy today. He's big and looks mean. Don't let his looks fool you, my love. He's a big softy." Freya explains, avoiding telling our toddler about how Cerberus has killed a man.

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