The Capture

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Jayson sat on the mattress of his run down apartment. The place was trashed as there was no way to pay for it. Jayson didn't even live there legally, he just found an abandoned apartment and called it home. He was lucky the place was solar powered, so he can watch his small television. But tonight was different. He watched the news as there was an investigation about three teenage boys slaughtered in the middle of the streets of New York City. He watched with no emotion how whitenesses say there was a savage beast, how it was large and green. Jayson didn't care. All the fifteen year old boy could think about was how they attacked him first. Yes. That was the only thing that kept him from breaking down into tears. They attacked him first. They attacked him first. They attacked him first. Soon, Jayson came to the understanding that the police would find him very soon. How couldn't they? He lives in New York City and there are cameras everywhere, anyway. He decided to turn the television off, go to sleep on his old, creaky mattress, and accept his soon-to-be fate of lockup for life. For the monster that he was, he knew this was coming all his life. One hour passed, then two, then five. Suddenly, men in black suites and police officers barged into the apartment. Jayson didn't fall asleep, so it didn't shock him. The men in black suits grabbed ahold of Jayson and snatched him up, Jayson giving no resistance whatsoever. Soon, Jayson was escorted to the back of a large, black S.W.A.T van, and sat down. Jayson lifted his head to look through the small window between him and the driver. The driver looked at the rear view mirror, perfectly angled for their eyes to meet. After a few seconds of silence, Jayson could only think of one sentence to say.

Jayson: How long until I'm dead?

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