Chapter One: The Mysterious boy

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     I walked to breakfast groggily. My mind swarming with thoughts of upcoming homework and exams.

    It was Christmas time at Hogwarts. A time which I bitterly resented. Going home every Christmas was a nightmare, so I decided to stay at Hogwarts this time.

    Sharing this information gifted me a few odd looks from my Slytherin friends. But I didn't mind. The only one who seemed to understand was Draco. Typically quick with the dimwitted remarks and rude insults he instead gave me a knowing frown and went back to play with his food.

    Though the stay at Hogwarts did lift my spirit. The elegant streamers cascading the walls, the Christmas lights beamed sweetly through the array of holly berry and mistletoe, the snowflakes falling from the ceiling, and one couldn't forget the magnificent display of Christmas trees around the edges of the dining hall.

   I quickly ate my breakfast; maple pancakes dipped in snowflake frosting and extra cream, and ran out the door for some much needed alone time .

   As I roamed the halls, I looked at the impressive display of artwork and craftsmanship decoration the walls. The paintings were muttering amongst each other and sharing pleasant smiles. Some of whom I caught trading gifts and singing songs.

The air was infectious and alive. I felt the castle almost reverberating in jolly spirit. Inside though I still felt glum.

Something just wasn't right and I couldn't quite place it.

A moment later, my eyes met with Luna Lovegood. A gryfindor in the same grade as me, and more importantly a beloved friend of mine.

   Some people would call her strange, I would call her beautifully unique. Her perspective of the world and the way we interact as energies always fascinated me. Our personalities were so different but our auras just matched. We could sit in silence and just by the flash of her eyes I could understand what she was thinking. Some people would call her closed off but I don't believe so. She just feels things differently and people don't try to understand.

" Hello Y/N, where are you running to at this hour?" Luna smiled curiously.

"Running back to the common room to finish a paining and get some much needed relaxation." I say circling my fingers over my eyes and down my neck.

"Oh that sounds lovely! I wish I could too!" Lunas lips slightly twitches in annoyance and then slipped back into her placid smile.

"Why what's wrong?" I ask.

"Oh nothing I just have some toddlers I need to attend to" Her eyes flickered with irritation.

"Toddl-?" Before I could finish my sentence as if on cue. Fred and George Weasley appeared out of seemingly thin air. Devious grins identical on both their faces.

"How d'you do?" Fred shifts to my right shoulder.

"My lady." George leans to the right and tips an imaginary hat in my direction and blows a kiss.

"Oh I see now." I shoot Luna a sympethic look.

"Must I say my beautiful you look simply ravishing today." Fred winks.

"Yes the frown you permanently wear on you cute face is sooo attractive." George smirks.

"Alright, alright I get it boys. Isn't their some teacher you need to pin to the walk with super celular sticky glue?" I raise my eyebrow with a sarcastic smile.

"Not yet but just wait until third period. Snapes not going to know what hit him." Fred rubs his fists together, while George mines his head exploding.

"What you gonna throw some booger bombs and cry to me once you have to write a five page essay kissing his ass." I laugh.

" We don't have to worry because we know our favorite slytherin will be there to help us with snapes tortuous assignments ." George grins, punching my side.

The rest of the time walking to the slytherin room was spent jovially, cracking jokes and devising ways to get back at Snape. Even from a slytherin perspective he was quiet unpopular. As I reached for the door and said my goodbyes a set of green eyes stared into mine, my favorite shade of green. Slow and sweet like walking through a rainforest.

     I got so lost in them I forgot to ask why Neville was in the Slytherin house. He mumbled an apology and whisked away down the hall.

Weird I thought my self and went peered inside.

There was no one else in the common room. What was he doing in here? I pondered into the fire for several minutes untill I felt someone's hand on my shoulder snapping in my face.

"You know the fire can't talk no matter how hard you stare at it."

I twirled my hand around to meet Draco his eyes sneering.

"No Draco I was just thinking, you should really try it sometime." I retort.

"The only thing it looks like you were thinking about is what you had for breakfast." He cracked a smile. I ruffle his hair in return.

"Okay but it was quiet a good breakfast. The snowflake frosting with marshmallow was just chefs kiss." I pinched my fingertips together.

He rolled his eyes slumped into the couch.

Just then Westin and Theodor rambled through the door. Westin had his hands behind his head and was whistling. Theodor gave a quick nod and sat down next to me.

"What's up gang?" Westin greeted us and then sat on Draco's lap.

"You git Westin! Get off me this minute." Draco tried to push him off unsuccessfully. Earning a snigger from me and Theo.

"Huh we'll see how you like being pushed." Westin said and then tackled Draco. The two began to wrestle on the floor. Untill Westin had Draco in a chokehold and Draco was yelling uncle.

"Do they ever stop?" I questioned rhetorically to Theo.

"You should know the answer by now sweetheart." He shook his head and stuck his nose in a fashion magazine.

"Your right." I laughed.

Theo looked up shortly from the page. "Oh by the way we are going to hogsmead today we were gonna ask you but you booked it from breakfast."

"Yeah I was trying to rest but looks like that's impossible In this school." I pursed my lips together.

Through the commotion I completely forgot about the curious boy and his mysterious eyes.


Hope you like the prologue and the first chapter! Had such fun writing this.
-Author 💗💗

The Mysterious Boy ~Neville Longbottom X Reader Where stories live. Discover now