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Warning: there will be pov changes

Chapter One
The Purging

It was late at night when Sang had made it to her new neighborhood. The road was empty and the lights from the spaced out row of houses were shut off leaving only the street lamps to illuminate the street. The wind whistled a sweet melody making the trees sway in a sweet sensual dance. Sang pulled up to a stop sign looking both ways before continuing her way down the street.

Her watery greens sat low on her face as she looked for the white house her father had paid for. When she caught sight of the nice sized house, she slowly pulled into the driveway letting out a small sigh of relief at finally being able to rest. She gathered her belongings from the back sitting them next to her in the passenger seat before placing her head on her arms where they rested against the steering wheel. Finally. She thought. I'ma just rest my eyes for a moment.

Soon after closing her eyes, she had surrendered over to the calling darkness that clouded her thoughts and pulled her mind into a deep slumber.

Kota was just walking out of the house closing the front door behind him after promising his mom that him and the boys will be back later when he noticed an unfamiliar vehicle parked in front of the house across the street. Could we have a new neighbor? He first thought before making his way across the street to check it out. He had a family meeting to get to that would start within 35 minutes but it could wait a few. He stopped in front of the front door raising his fist then wrapping it against the door.

He waited a few moments before walking over to a window where the living room would be peeking inside. It was empty. He stepped back looking around in confusion. Do we have a new neighborhood? If so where could they be? Kota turned towards the vehicle, his eyes widening in shock to see a body slumped over in the driver seat. He made his way over to the driver's side of the car eyes narrowed. Leaning over he peeked inside to see a female sleeping in an uncomfortable position. He raised his fist and knocked lightly against the window waking the sleeping beauty from her sleep.

She jumped startled twisting her head to peer up at him with tired eyes. She had pretty long dark blonde hair that stopped an inch below her waist braided back in a messy braid, glowing warm skin that looked so soft he could cuddle her and never get tired of it and a body that had curves for days displayed perfectly by the pink pajamas she wore that hugged her body like a second skin and stopped short of her mid thighs. Kota closed his mouth gulping down the spit that had built up overtime and begun to count as he waited for her to roll down the window or get out.

It took her a minute to adjust her eyes to the bright light poking through her window from behind him, but when she did her eyes bucked and her mouth opened in the shape of an O. Her cheeks burned in embarrassment as she began getting her stuff so she can get out of the car. "Umm, hello." She whispered brushing a stray strand of hair behind her pink ears. Kota stopped counting then look away for a second before turning his attention back on her. "My name's Kota. I live across the street and saw your car parked in the driveway. Are you a new neighbor or something?" Kota mentally smacked himself on the forehead. Or something, really man. He stuffed his hands into his jean pockets gazing at her.


"Yea, I just made it here earlier this morning and must of fell asleep in my car," I said sheepishly looking up at him. He's actually really cute. He stood about a head taller than me with soft rich brown locks that seemed to shine in the sunlight. His eyes reminded me of the leafy green of spring and summer  as he gazed down at me. "Long drive and no stops will do that to a person." I laughed lightly shaking my head. "My name's Sang by the way." 

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