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3rd pov

It was a sunny afternoon at Nevermore Academy, and Y/n, Enid, Yoko, and a few other girls were painting their canoe for the Poe Cup games. Y/n was towards the end, while Yoko and another girl were up front painting. She painted on some small swirls and a white toothy grin that looked like the Cheshire Cat. She smiled at her work, Xavier had been teaching her how to paint and draw, and it was definitely paying off.

   Enid walked over to the girls up front, "Ladies, come on! Let's work on those teeth. More scowl. This kitty is taking no prisoners. If Bianca Barclay wins again this year, I will literally scratch my own eyes out!" Enid exclaimed, making the h/c haired girl chuckle.

   "You and me both," she said, remembering how Bianca won every single year. It's not that she hated Bianca, but she just didn't really like her. She wasn't the nicest to Y/n or Xavier, and the L/n girl wasn't going to let her win again this year.

   "I would pay money to see that," Wednesday said, stopping next to Y/n's sitting figure. Enid skips over to her and Y/n looks up at the girl.

   "Howdy, roomie," Y/n gave the dark haired girl a smile, her paint brush in hand.

   Enid smiled, "I'm so glad you decided to stay."

   Wednesday raised her eyebrow slightly, "I thought you wanted your double room back?"

   "Full disclosure, I don't like living with just one other person and Thing gives a killer neck massage. It's a win-win," Enid stated, making Y/n nod.

   "Yeah, and he's a great listener," Y/n added on, smiling as she remembered one night where she had a rough day with some ghosts and Thing listened to her whole rant. He was nice to have around.

   "So... why the change of heart?" Enid asked the girl in front of her. Y/n then went back to painting, but she still listened to Wednesday.

   "I refuse to play the role of a pawn in someone else's corrupt game," she said.

   "You mean Rowan?" Enid asked, making Y/n's head snap towards the girls' direction again.

   "I witnessed his murder, Enid," Wednesday said, but Enid didn't believe her. Y/n did though, she remembered the look on Rowan's face when he was clawed to death in her vision. The image haunted her still, and every time she closed her eyes it's all she saw.

   Enid shakes her head slightly, "It's just, we all saw him this morning. Very much, like, not dead."

   Wednesday stood still, "I know. Which leads me to believe I've been losing my mind. It's not nearly as fun as I had anticipated." Y/n then set her paintbrush down and stood up facing the dark haired girl.

   "You're not losing your mind. I saw his ghost; he's dead," Y/n told Wednesday, making her turn towards her with an eyebrow raised slightly.

Wednesday nodded before looking back over to Enid, "You're Nevermore's gossip queen. What's Rowan's story?"

Enid clicked her tongue, "Other than being a weird loner... uh.. No offense."

"None taken," Wednesday said as Enid continued.

"Xavier Thorpe's his roommate. If you had a cell phone, you could just text him and ask him. Or you could just ask Y/n to tell you," Enid told her and nodded over to Y/n. She then looked over to Yoko, "Yoko, come on! Flare those whiskers. The Poe Cup droops for no one."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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