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Y/n's POV:
I am an artist and I see my artworks.Helping people is like my hobby.I help them for their needs and not for my benefit.I dont need a thank you from them.I just want them to be happy.
Pov ends

Author's POV:
It was morning and Y/n went to the grocery to buy some vegetables and some kimchi.While on the way back home,she found a child crying on the road.She said,"What happened sweety?Is anything wrong?"and the child replied,"Onnie,I am so hungry and i didnt have anything since 2 days.Please give me some food."Y/n's eyes was almost filled with tears so she bought her some street food and handed her some money and gave her a sweet smile.The child became happy,hugged and thanked her.On her way back home,she started with her new artwork.After a few moments,she received a call.The call ID had Soo-an written on it.Soo-an is Y/n's best friend.They both are like sisters and they were neighbours in their childhood.Now they got separated and she now lives in Seoul but in another home and she is a pianist.Y/n picked up the call and answered,"Hello Soo-an.How are you doing sweety?"She replied,"Great Bae.But btw I called you to give you an invitation.I have arranged a party tomorrow evening as you know its my birthday tomorrow.So the party will be incomplete with you.Make sure you come.I'm gonna wait for you."and she ended the call not even letting Y/n reply.Y/n smiled and murmured to herself,"Silly Girl,she has still not grown up"and then she continued to do her artwork.The next morning,she woke up.She took her shower,changed her dress and called up Soo-an to wish her happy birthday.She opened her cupboard then looked up for a dress that she'll be wearing at Soo-an's birthday party.She found a red elegant dress that was gifted by her mom on her birthday this year but she never tried it.So she decided to wore it for the party.Time was ticking by.Hours passed and it was evening.Y/n wore the dress,put on a lip balm as she didnt like to do makeup and did a simple hairstyle.Her outfit at the party:

She told her brother Yoongi to drive her at the party

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She told her brother Yoongi to drive her at the party.She kissed her brother on his cheek and gave him a sweet bye.She went with a bouquet of roses and earrings for Soo-an as a birthday gift.No one but Soo-an after seeing Y/n attending her party,rushed and hugged her and said,"Thank you so much Y/nieee.This party would have been incomplete without you."Y/n smiled at her.Y/n caught everyone's attention and men were mesmerized to see her.People were drinking wine and smoking but Y/n was hatred to these stuffs and excused herself and went out.She took a deep breathe then let it out.Suddenly she felt a hand on her nose and mouth.She felt like being kidnapped and it was really happening.The man was wearing a bucket hat,black mask,black oversized short and trousers.
Y/n's pov:
I was really out of control because i could sense that something was put on the handkerchief to loose control and faint.They pulled me to a dark place and there i fainted and i didnt know the rest what happened..
Pov ends

The man dragged her and put her in the car at the back seat and told his men to drive off the car to his mansion.
He arrived at the mansion.Then he carried Y/n in a bridal style and took her in a room.He laid her down there and spread a blanket over her.
After a few moments her senses came back and she slowly opened her eyes.

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