Part 2

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After a few moments her senses came back and she slowly opened her eyes

She said,"Where am I?".Then she stood straight and saw around her:

She said,"Woah Daebak!!(awesome)"but still she was in confusion who would have kidnapped her

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She said,"Woah Daebak!!(awesome)"but still she was in confusion who would have kidnapped her.She moved the blanket from her body and went downstairs.Her eyes widened to see such a luxurious home and wandered that it belongs to really a very rich man.She went downstairs and a maid said,"Mam I was going to call you for dinner but luckily you came here."She replied,"Thats fine but tell me what place is this and who brought me here."I did"She heard a deep voice and turned around.She scanned him from bottom to top then gulped in fear."Hi,I am Jeon Jungkook and welcome to my mansion.Consider this as your home.Have a seat."She said in confusion,"Consider this as my home? Why would I?I have my own home and I dont need to live here.I want to go back to my place."He said,"Excuse me,do you even know that I am the mafia with whom your parents have arranged a marriage with?"She widened her eyes and she was speechless.He continued,"Listen,my job is to protect you and moreover you are unaware that you are surrounded by many mafias who are worse than you think.Don't be afraid of me.I'll be nice to you and I'll not do anything to you which will make you feel uncomfortable.The party in which u went tonight,was dangerous.Mafias were present there and have already informed about u to their bosses.So I took you to my mansion.Its a safe place."Y/n hummed .Jungkook said,"Come here,I have something for you."Y/n followed him.He opened a room and that led to Y/n's excitement.She was feeling that she was in her dreams.The room:

Jungkook said,"Now you can do your artworks whenever you want

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Jungkook said,"Now you can do your artworks whenever you want.Not only you,I am also obsessed with artworks.And now on we'll share this and work happily together."She almost teared up seeing the room and listening to his words.She endlessly thanked him.Jungkook said,"No need to thank me.Its your dream and i suggest you to keep it up.I am not that kind of person who will forbid you to achieve your dreams."He said this and gave a smile.Y/n said,"Thank you so much Jungkook."They bowed to each other and Jungkook went away to his room to continue some sort of mafia work.

Yoongi's POV
My sister told me that she would call me up to pick her up.I called her but someone picked it up.It was Soo-an.I asked her about y/n but she was crying and said that while y/n went out to get some fresh air, Ryle,her boyfriend saw y/n being kidnapped and dragged in a car.My jaw jaw dropped after hearing this and my blood was boiling with anger.
Pov ends

Soo-an's POV
I was grabbing a drink from the waiter but then suddenly Ryle,my boyfriend, came to me panting hardly and said that he saw y/n was kidnapped by a man  and the boys dragged her in the car and drove it off.When I heard this from him,I had no idea that I dropped the glass of wine and it broke into pieces.I loved her since childhood as it was my dream to have a sister but i considered her as not only my best friend but also my sister.It felt like my whole world entirely ended and then I came to know that Y/n's phone was left behind and I saw Yoongi calling.I picked it up and heard an anxious voice of yoongi who was really worried about his sister.I was weeping while telling the view of Ryle of Y/n that he saw in the garden.Then I drank lots of wine just to forget about Y/n for a night.It do feels so hurting when u lose your siblings.
POV ends

Author's POV
In the mansion,Y/n was spending her quality time in Jungkook's art room.She had her dinner and went to sleep.Next morning she felt something licking her face.

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