Just A Regular Tuesday

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"Ciao Mamma!" Malia grinned jumping into the backseat of my Porsche

"Hi Mrs Jones" I greeted her teacher who helped her into the car

"Ciao la mia piccola farfalla" I smiled at her through the mirror before pulling off

"Where's my mommy I thought she was picking me up" she asked making the classic 'Bishop face'

"So you didn't miss Mamma?" I gasped in fake shock

"No! I did! But I promised Auntie Vic I would help her clean the aidcar" she said making me smile at how similar she is to Maya

"Mommy and the team is stuck at 4 alarm piccola" She pouted at that response

"Oh man" she whined

"I'm sorry piccola but you're gonna have to come back to the hospital with me" I told her turning into the street if the hospital

"Yes! Is Jo working today?" she asked smiling

"She sure is" I chuckled getting out the car and opening the backdoor for her

"Okay, andiamo Mamma" she giggled pulling me by my hand

"Ah Dr Deluca and Mini Maya!" Amelia smiled walking by one her way to the ER it seemed as she was speedwalking

"Deluca-Bishop!" Malia yelled frowning but that frown quickly turned into a smile when she spotted Jo

"Jo!" she yelled running as fast as her little legs would carry her until I stopped her

"Ah ah Piccola no running in the hospital" I gave her a warning look

"Mi dispiace Mamma" she smiled sheepishly

"Hi Malia" Jo smiled high fiveing her tiny hand

"Jo can I round with you again?" she asked flashing her best puppy dog eyes

"If it's okay with your Mamma, sure" she said and they both turned to me

"Go ahead" I waved them off and making my way to my office

My phone vibrated with a text from the daycare

Cate: Hi Dr Deluca, Maverick is very clingy today it seems like he's getting a little sick but his fine for now just wanted to let you know :)

Me: Oh mio dio... Okay thanks Cate

"Oh my bambino" I pouted and pulled out my phone to see if Maya was done with the 4 alarm yet

She picked up just as I was about to drop the call her beautiful raspy voice filled my ears

M: Hi my love

C: Ciao Amore

M: What's wrong are the kids okay?

I smiled at the fact that she could pick that up by just listening to me

C: Cate just texted me and said the bambino is being clingy and she thinks he's getting sick

M: Noo, Lia just recovered from a cold

C: I know I think maybe she gave it to him

M: Well we're back at the station so I'll come pick the kids up and bring them here for the remainder of my shift which is like only an hour or so and then we'll head home

C: Bene bambina, I love you

M: I love you too



"Herrera can you cover for me for a few minutes so I can pick up the kiddos" I asked as we changed out of our turnouts

"Yeah no problem, go!" she shoo'd me off

I jumped in my car and drove down to GSM

I went to the OB floor first to get my mini me and just as I stepped out the elevator I saw her walk out of a patient room with Jo

"Dr Malia Deluca-Bishop" I chuckled when her head snapped in my direction

"Mommy!" she ran and jumped in my arms

"Hi Princess" I smiled kissing her cheek and walk toward Carina who's leaning against the nurses Station smiling

"Hey Jo" I greeted her and she waved walking off

"Hi my love" I greeted Carina with a quick peck

"Dr Deluca!" Jo yelled from a patient room with urgency in her voice

"I'll see you later, I love you both" she rushed out and ran off to do her job

"Let's go pick up your fratelino" I said kissing Lia's temple as she still rested on my hip

"Ms Cate said that your little brother might be a little sick" I told her as the elevator doors closed

"Oh dio" she slapped her forehead with her little hand making me bite back a chuckle sitting her on the floor so I pick up a whiny little boy

"Hi babyboy" I cooed and he reached for me with a wobble bottom lip

I crouched down after setting Malia down so I could get his things

"Ciao fratellino" She said kissing his cheek

"We gave him some baby Tylenol when he spiked a fever with the permission of Dr Deluca" Cate told me and handed me his bag

I put his bag on my shoulder and grabbed Lia's hand and we made our way back to the car and then to the station with Malia talking the entire way while Mav passed out as soon as he was in his car seat

When we got to the station I laid with him in my bunk while Malia went off with Vic

Amore❤️: Mav is okay he's fast asleep❤️

Amore❤️: Mav is okay he's fast asleep❤️

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A short one
I hope you liked it🤍

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