Chapter Seven: A Line of Credits

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"A man's true wealth is the good he does in this world.."

They managed to escape the warehouse; Velpia was repulsed yet amazed at the carnage they had to pass through. The bodies of nearly a hundred fighters littered the walkways of the facility. The amount of gore and blood spattered everywhere haunted her for some time after. Even after they had left the clinic, she couldn't understand how one man, a Human for that matter, could storm that warehouse with such ruthless efficiency.

They returned to her apartment after getting Martin's wounds taken care of later that night. She hadn't yet had the chance to discuss what had happened. She wasn't sure she even wanted to. She knew what would have happened if he had left her there, and for that, she was thankful. However, she also knew the Blue Suns wouldn't let an attack like that slide. She thought it best, for now, to leave it as it was, and worry about the repercussions later.

Velpia had left Martin on the couch to rest. He was in pain but looked better than he had earlier. Luckily the knife he was stabbed with was dull and hadn't pierced any of his internal organs. She had changed into her light Turian armor and armed herself with her Predator pistol and her Avenger rifle. She wanted to meet with an old contact for some work.

She headed towards the front door and left Martin his weapons close by on the coffee table in front of the couch.

"I'm running out; I'll be back soon," she said quietly.

Martin opened his eyes as he lay there on the couch.

"Would that be the smartest thing to do right now?" He commented. She knew he was probably right, but they didn't have much choice. Martin had spent most of the credits on weapons to spring her out, and they would need more to uproot and move to a new location. She sat down on the floor with her back up against the couch.

"Nope, it was also probably dumb coming back to this dump too." She added. There was a short silence.

"I just made everything worse, didn't I?" Martin lamented. Some part of her agreed with his statement, but then again, it made his life worse; she could at least live a little longer.

"We will... have to figure it out." She commented.

Martin cleared his throat. "

Thanks for the uplifting speech, boss." After a few moments of silence, she stood up and walked to the door.

"Are you gonna be alright alone?" He persisted. She gave a slight nod as she headed out the door.


Velpia was headed to the Tuhi District; she knew some vendors there always needed a hand moving sensitive packages for clients. These jobs were usually easy credits, and they rarely required any real force to be used. She figured she could do a few of these runs and support them for at least another week.

She decided on taking a sky car to the district; Martin had at least left them with enough credits for a few fares. She entered the carport and inputted her destination, then began flying away. Velpia glanced out the windows that surrounded her, thinking about her 'rescue' and the absurdity of it all.

"Who the hell wears clothes over their hard suit?" She laughed at the thought of Martin's poor use of clothing choices. "He probably would give me some stupid Human answer."

She looked down for a moment to notice a light from her Omni-Tool spin blinking on her hand's back. She pressed it, and the Omni-Tool screen opened. A human face appeared on her screen.

"Vee, I managed to get some information on your friend from the clinic. Head on by before anyone finds out I have this," Kenith said in a bit of a panic.

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