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Jin Zixuan, suddenly realized something, " Umm.. kids, why had you said ridiculous as soon as you had arrived here?"

The four of them looked st each other, not knowing how to answer. But then Zizhen took the initiative and spoke, "Well you see Jin-gognzi, those people out there on the battle field, who were on the side of so-called righteousness and had decided to eliminate Senior Wei were also the ones who were quite interested in his inventions. Once he had....died... they had all fought like dogs for the Stygian Tiger Amulet. Though, on the surface, they all seemed to hate the Demonic Cultivation, yet in reality they were all in awe with it. And naturally wanted a share of it too. Whatever that dream depicted, was not very far, from what had exactly happened.

Even we had no idea, until we met Senior Wei again, though we didn't know about his real identity then, yet all those elders hadn't taught us as much practical things, as Senior Wei did in just a few days.

So to think, that these cultivators were the ones who were always cursing Senior Wei while they themselves were no less, is actually quite ridiculous."

Wen Ruohan was impressed with the Juniors's intellect too. So he asked them, "Well, you all seemed to be quite enarmoured with your Senior Wei, right?"

Lan Shizhui looked up at him fearlessly, while the rest looked at them wide eyed, "Well, you see Chief Cultivator, as my friend here said, Senior Wei, though unorthodox, yet he had a way through everything. You will soon be witnessing that. He had won our trust, just by being there. So just wait and watch."

To be honest, everyone, except the juniors were looking at him in awe, while Lan Clan and Wei Ying looked at him in pride. Afterall, he was quite confident while talking with Wen Ruohan, which generally people find very difficult to do.

Suddenly something stuck Nie Huaisang, 'Hey Lan Shizui, how come you are a Lan when you are Wei-xiong's kid?'

And all of a sudden everyone realized it too and looked at him. He just shrugged, while Smirking, 'Wait and Watch'.

People groaned, while Wei Ying clapped his son's back, while Shizhui stole a glance at Hanguang Jun. Though, Lan Zhan had caught him, he was confused.

A few moments later, then screen flared up again, with the spirits narrating once again.

Wei WuXian wanted to wash his face so that he could gaze upon the face of his body's owner, but there wasn't any water in the room, not even for drinking or washing. The only basin-like container was probably, he suspected, for lavatory purposes instead of cleansing.

He pushed the door, but it was fastened with a latch, most likely to prevent him from wandering outside. None of these things made him feel the joy of reincarnation at all!

He figured that he might as well sit in the Lotus position and get used to his new home.

Time flew by, and the day had passed. When he opened his eyes, sunlight seeped inside from the gaps of the door and windows. Although he could stand up and walk around, his still felt lightheaded.

Wei WuXian was puzzled, Mo XuanYu's amount of spiritual power is so insignificant that it could be ignored, so there shouldn't be a reason as to why I can't control this body properly.

And to think that, their Senior Wei, went on all those adventures, safeguarding them at every point, was a miracle in itself, thought the juniors. Pride and gratefulness shinning in their eyes, they shared a look amongst them and decided to pay a tribute to their Senior Wei, when they met him in their time, or he came to meet them.

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying shared a confused look, when the juniors turn to them and give them a blinding smile.

Why doesn't it work?

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