Richest Legacy • 5

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Tharn glanced towards his son as soon as his husband finished the sentence, "What am I hearing, Rain?" He wanted to confirm first.

Payu walked ahead as he stood beside Rain with his back straight, "Swadee Khab' Khun Tharn... I apologize for Rain... I am Payu Theerapanyakun; Rain's boyfriend... We have been dating for about 2 months now and today I took Rain to my manor to introduce him to my family..." He holds Rain's hand tighter, "I am not playing around with your son, Khun. I sincerely love him. And he loves me too. We are both serious about it."

Pete was proud of his son. As he added more with his son, "Khun Tharn; the kids do love each other. Finding love at a young age is a blessing; they are happy with each other. Why don't we approve it then?"

Tharn heard them attentively as he sighed half-heartedly, "Did you fall in love with him without knowing his actual identity, Rain?"

"I knew from the beginning, Dad... Still; I fell for him... I... I love him, dad..."

"Do you even know what are you talking about!? They are mafia! All they do is covered by nasty blood—" Type scolded Rain.

"Excuse me! Your idea about us is certainly wrong and moreover; There are couples in our family too. And honestly; they love each other so much! Just like here— Porsche." Tankhun held his forearm, "He is the husband of my second brother, Kinn. And then this Pete—" now he holds Pete, "This is my favorite brother-in-law who unfortunately had to marry my cousin brother! And there! That cute boy with fluffy hair; he is my younger brother's boyfriend! See! Our whole family is full of love! If only the thing we have been doing was killing then why all of them are couples?!" Tankhun honestly was pretentious at this moment.

While Type low-key cling to Tharn, "All of them are gay?" His lowered tone sounded like he is uncomfortable. But Tharn was there for him, "It's alright... They don't look murderous to me... Let Rain be himself... If he loves that boy, let him be... As long as he is happy, we are also happy..."

Rain smiled at his Dad, "Love you, Dad... Thank you..."

Tharn pats his son's head as he holds his husband's shoulder, "Come on... Forgive him! He is a child, Type... Please?"

Rain was waiting for his Pa's approval now. Type gave Payu a side eye and then nodded, "Alright. Alright! Do whatever you want and you!" He gave his dead glance at Payu, "If you break my son's heart, I will break your bones! Mind it!"

"I promise I will take care of Rain forever!" Payu promises with his three fingers up.

Tankhun put his elbow on Pete's shoulder, "You must remember it Payu! We Theerapanyakun never break our promises."

"Anyway... We approved your relationship that doesn't mean we will let you roam around with this Payu whenever you want... You are coming with us now; we will drop you by your dorm..." Type made it clear. And Tharn's eyes say Rain to agree with it for good.

Tankhun wanted to argue again but Pete stopped him. So that blast plan was ruined in the end anyway.


"P'Pai~ Are you sure it's ok for me to stay here, tonight?" Shy asked with his cute pout while playing with Prapai's collar.

Prapai pecked on those pouted lips, "Absolutely! You are approved by my whole family! Don't worry— as long as you are harmless they are cool... Shall we continue what we started back at the shopping mall?" He moves his face near Sky's neck. Sniffing him with hunger.

"Didn't we finish it there P'Pai?"

"You are wrong, my darling— Prapai can never get enough of Sky... Never..." He attacked Sky's neck directly. While his hands moved underneath that shirt. Taking it off; he made Sky jump on his lap. Grabbing the latter by his ass he moved towards the bed.

When Prapai threw Sky on the bed and was unbelting his pants, Sky was being impatient. He lifts his legs and puts both of them over Pai's shoulder. Using his legs he pulled Pai down over him, "I want you to be wild with me~ I am yours to destroy, P'Pai~"

Pai's smirk was devilish as he made Sky turn over on his stomach. Grabbing his chin and lifting it from the mattress, "If you bleed... Not my fault, Darling." He didn't sound sweet at all. It was rather cold and lustful.

That night was wild indeed. How can Pai not fulfill something his Sky wished for? Sky passed out from exhaustion. Prapai wiped the blood-mixed cum with warm water before placing the naked body under a clean blanket. He didn't sleep until he left a good night kiss on his lover's forehead.

The next morning, Sky was the one to wake up first. And it was 7:00 that time. Sky carefully sat on the bed so that Prapai doesn't wake up. He looked at Prapai with a revolted face. The looks say; how much he hates this person. Carefully and with an amount of struggle he made it down from the bed. Covering himself with the oversized shirt of Prapai.

He moved near the desk; always alert of Prapai. Handing among the files and papers; he couldn't understand much. So he just took some pictures using his mobile. If he can get the laptop; or head into Prapai's Dad's room he might be able to get something extremely useful. For now, he is just taking these pictures.

As soon as he finished, he moved back to bed and lay beside asleep Prapai. While his eyes were wandering around the room; where he can set a hidden camera or voice receiver.

In short Prapai's hand moved over his waist. Pulling him closer. It did make Sky's heart twitch bitterly. He is guilty of what he is doing with Prapai. But he has to play along until he finishes what he is here for...


To Be Continued ⏩

As we can see, Our Sky is guilty over something 😥

And Type got scared after meeting the gay family 💀🤚

Anyway — How was the chapter? Pls do comment and leave vote ✅

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