Richest Legacy • 14

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It was the monthly meeting among minor and major family members. Like every month, they gathered under the major family roof.

But there is a change this time, Payu and Prapai are also present at the meeting. They were asked by Porsche to join them too. Maybe because Mangkorn & Yai had something to announce and the family needed to listen to them.

In the meeting room, Kinn gestured to Mangkorn to continue what he wanted to announce.

"The thing is that— I and Yai... We don't want to hold the title of the supreme leader of main and minor families... We both have a passion to follow after... I have studied architecture and Yai is passionate about fashion design... We are asking for your permission to give up on the rings, Dad... We are being honest with our motive... And please accept Our apology on the matter..." Mangkorn finishes as he exchanged glace with Yai.

Porsche looked at Kinn with concern. The situation reminds him how different Kinn has been from his father. If it was Khun Korn and Kinn at the moment, he is quite sure Kinn would have never gotten a chance to follow after his passion. He won't even be able to express what he wants in front of his father. But Kinn let his sons and nephews be honest with him. Kinn didn't force the title of main and minor family supreme leader title on the kids either, he traditionally just let them keep on. Also, he guided them tougher and put them in a competition to make them better at their will. He gets nothing from it. All he did was for the kids.

"Thanks for being honest with me... At that stage, the main and minor family supreme leadership was supposed to hold by Prapai & Payu..." Kinn looked towards Vegas.

"I don't want to hold any responsibility, uncle Kinn..." Payu made a clear comment.

"I am willing to hold after the main family leadership, Dad." It was Prapai who said that. Making everyone surprised. "I have been thinking about this lately... But I never thought of douching Mangkorn as he holds that place... Now that he is willing to let that go, I am willing to hold onto it... I am ready to learn..."

"Are you sure, Prapai?" Porsche can't believe his son.

"Prapai— you always wanted to stay five feet away from all these responsibly, man! What made you say that!" Payu was uncomfortable. Pete gave Payu a side gaze to shut up.

"You might be hurt and broken... You just want to involve under pressure so that you will forget the pain..." It was said by Tankhun. He can see the shadow of suffering over Prapai's face.

"I have decided after thinking for enough time, and trust me I won't ask to leave the leadership... Please, give me a chance..." Prapai was sincere, to be honest.

"In that case... I announce Prapai as the prospective main family supreme leader..."

"Then— I am willing to be the minor family leader!" Payu's words made Vegas look towards him, "It's not a passing game, Payu... It's a huge responsibility... Also, you are not sincere!"

"Yes, I am sincere! I can't let Prapai work alone on this path! We are brothers from the heart and we oath to walk on together! I will be there for Prapai when he needs me... Just give me the chance and I won't disappoint..." Payu had shining eyes. He was sincere with this sudden decision of his.


One and a half years later √

The main and minor families were invited to a gala event under one of the most popular International brand branches in Thailand. It was also an opportunity for businessmen from different parts to meet and greet with well-known mafia-like Theerapanyakun.

Main and minor families arrived at the event together. Kinn, Porsche, Vegas, Pete, Payu, and Prapai were the
ones to join the event. They were welcomed most respectfully among all the guests and also the highlight of the event because of the visuals they holds.

Pete warped his hand around Vegas's arm as he noticed the many pretty boys from Vegas's past clients in the event were looking towards his husband. He has to show them who owns Vegas now.

Vegas also had to give a dead glance to those who looked at Pete with wants.

Porsche's eyes were always over Kinn's. Because Kinn's many past lovers or better say bed mates were there who were looking at Kinn with seduction. What a headache!

There Kinn didn't like the attention those clients were giving to Porsche. Also not them holding his lover's hand longer in the name of a handshake. He wants to cut those hands off.

About Payu and Prapai, many young boys and girls were dying to greet them. But Payu was looking for Rain, who was also supposed to join the event with his grandparents. As he found Rain, he greeted him with a kiss on the lips. That helped those drooling people understand Payu is also claimed by now.

Prapai on the other hand was warm to everyone but he quit the flirting part. He smoothly avoids those who want him personally. Suddenly his fathers called him to greet him with someone.

"Meet Khun Lian Kilen Wang & his husband Kuea Keerati Wang... And Khun Wang This is my younger son Prapai..."

Prapai bowed slightly, "Swadee khub, Khun Wang..."

"Hello, Khun Prapai. It's pleasure to meet you." The tall one greeted back and his husband smiled at him. "We also have a son the same as your age... It would be nice if you two meet..."

Prapai nodded with a smile. It's a regular thing. People want to set him up with their child or grandchild. Heck!

Whatever, Prapai isn't interested as he was minding his business near the bar until his eyes suddenly found a familiar face from among the crowd.

Whatever, Prapai isn't interested as he was minding his business near the bar until his eyes suddenly found a familiar face from among the crowd

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He placed the glass of Champine down. For the rest of the moment, his eyes were stuck on that one person. He is not questioning how come Sky is here. Who is he here with? When did he come back? Who is the person he is talking to? He asked nothing... He just stood with an overwhelming feeling inside him... The longing of months... The desire to speak with the person... The wound left inside was bleeding once again... He wanted to approach him but he could not...


To Be Continued ⏩

I can imagine Porsche, Kinn, Vegas, and Pete all being jealous and possessive of their partners at the same time 😂 what to do? They all are super handsome and stunning.

Prapai and Sky end game is near 😚

Payu is clever to push unnecessary attention away from him. 😏

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