Richest Legacy • 7

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Rain was waiting at the minor family garden. Looking around was kind of uncomfortable as the bodyguards were stareing at him constantly.

"Baby! Why didn't you come inside?" Finally, Payu arrived and welcomed Rain with a side hug and a peck on the cheek.

"What are you doing!? People are watching!" Rain hesitates but now looking around the bodyguards had their heads lowered. Very nice.

"Who is watching!? There is only us here, Baby... Let's go for today's date, shall we? Where do you wanna go? Movie? Shopping? Cafe? Any park?"

"I just want to walk beside you... That's all..." Rain's cute face made Payu's heart flatter. He holds Rain closer to his heart as he kisses his hair, "Why are you so adorable, Baby..."

As they started to move out from the manor, Payu's bodyguards started to walk after them. They will of course be there, from afar keep your eyes on them.

But Rain wasn't so comfortable with that. He didn't tell Payu but the latter did realize that.

Payu took Rain to a crowded area. It was afternoon so the park was much crowded. Rain was walking while holding Payu's forearm comfortably.
Suddenly, Payu started running holding Rain's wrist. Rain had no moment to ask but to follow after Payu.

While the bodyguards who were keeping eyes on them panicked. They randomly started to follow after Payu.
"Khun Payu! Khun Payu!" Some thought there is danger nearby. So they called back at the manor. Such a hassle.

While Payu took Rain down the stairs and hides behind a wall. Rain leaning on the wall, he covered him. Both were panting heavily. Payu looked at Rain with a grin but he found the latter's eyes shows confusion & concern. "Did I scare you, baby?" His fingers caress Rain's cheeks.

"Why did we run, P'Payu?"

"You seem to be uncomfortable while being surrounded by bodyguards... That's why I thought of escaping from their sight... Now it's only us— no one is keeping eyes on us..." Payu kissed Rain's lips as he claims his bottom lip between his teeth.

"You are crazy, P'Payu! What if you fall in danger?" Rain pouted while sulking over his concern.

"I have guns with me... One for you and another for the enemy..." Payu grins playfully.

The rest of the time, they pass alone, and out of all bodyguards' sight. But little did Payu knows what is waiting for him back manor.

Reaching Manor, he found his Dad waiting for him. Also, his Pa. Arm crossed leaning aside.

"Pa... I... I am sorry?" Payu thought he could be able to get away with it. Because Pete loves him a lot. Unconditionally and protects him with his all might. But today, he also looks unpleased enough to make Payu gulp hard.

"What were you thinking when you played your prank there? Answer me honestly, do you think what you did today was funny?"

Payu has never seen Pete like this. It is scarring him. "Pa... I just... I am sorry- I am sorry for everything I did..."

"So you think it's funny?" Pete finally looked at him and Payu got goosebumps all over. "Do you know how much risk your life is in? You are not any boy out there. You are Payu. Payu Theerapanyakun. Son of a minor family head Vegas. Do you have any idea how many people are out there waiting to kidnap you & worst? You still got the nerve to play around?"

"I have a gun with me. And also I know how to protect—"

"Khun Kinn and Porsche were once kidnapped. Do you think they were weak than you? It's not about owning a gun or fighting skills!" Pete closed his eyes to control his rage. "Listen Payu... We love you... This is why we are warning you for the first and last time... Don't you ever do this silly thing ever again... And it would be better if you stop dragging your boyfriend into all these messes... You will end up involving him in danger..."

Payu holds his fist tight. He didn't do that much to listen to that huge lecture from his Pa! His ego was hurt indeed. But he didn't say anything. Neither Yes nor No. He just walked straight into his room.


"P'Pai... Can I use your laptop pls? I forgot to submit my projects! Pls! I just have an hour left!" Sky asked for permission in a panicked tone.

Sky was at the main family manor right now. Prapai requested him to come, which made Sky's job easier.

Prapai hands Sky his laptop without a bit of hesitation, "Go on... Just don't open any saved files, alright? They are important..."

That's what Sky is gonna open. "Of course P'Pai!" Sky nodded with his clear eyes.

Taking the laptop Sky pretended to submit for a while before opening the files which Prapai forbade him to open. Carefully transferring the details he made sure to clear the search history; even tho he is quite sure Prapai won't check on there.

After Prapai himself left Sky back to his dorm, Sky heads out to meet with his ex-boyfriend. The person, who made him do all these nasty things.

He knocked on the door of a room in the two-storied building with fear.

The door opened as his ex-boyfriend greeted with him loud laughter of joy, "Sky! My Beautiful Sky! You don't know what you did! You did a miracle! Come in! Come in!"

Sky hated the sight. He didn't walk inside as he saw his ex-boyfriend's friends are also there. His blood runs cold. He stepped backward. With head lowered, "I...If everything is done... Give me the Video... P-please, P'Gun... Give that to me... I did everything you told me to do..." He begged with a trembling tone.

To Be Continued ⏩

Sky my baby 😭😭😭

Payu got scolded by Pete 😿
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