Richest Legacy • 10

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Yai groaned as he woke up finally. Looking around he realized, he has been kidnapped. Wonderful! Being around Mangkorn always brings him bad luck, isn't it? Beside him, Mangkorn was still unconscious. He kicked on the latter's leg about two times before Mangkorn finally started to get back conscious.

"Where are we?"

"In hell! You dumbass! Who told you to fetch me out of the bodyguard's sight? Because of you, both of us ended up like this! Idiot!" Yai shouted at Mangkorn. He just went out for some work. And Mangkorn followed after him and then fetch him away from the sight of Bodyguards who were keeping eyes on him from afar.

"What am I supposed to do!? I just wanted to have a proper talk with you! But every time I try, you just ignore me! I want to fix everything — but you never let me!" Mangkorn shouted back. Trying his best to untie his hands and legs.

"Is there even anything to fix!? Who came to me first? Then who left me first? It's you who did everything! Now shut the fuck up and think of what to do!" Yai turned his face away. Completely annoyed.

That was the moment when the giant door of the garage opened and another unconscious figure was brought among them.


They didn't pay any heed. Throwing Rain beside Yai, they just head out from there.

Mangkorn looked at Yai with concern, "Shouting at them won't work, Yai... Stay quite... Try to wake up him... He is Payu's boyfriend, right?"

"Now you will tell me what to do!? You fucking idiot!" Yai scolded him as he moved near Rain. Lightly trying to wake the latter up using his knees.

As Rain got back conscious he saw Yai first, "Khun Yai..."

"Don't panic... Ok? They will save us from here... Don't worry... Stay near me..."

Rain was afraid. He just moved near Yai and stay close. Wishing his Payu to arrive first, "Why did they kidnap us?"

"Maybe they are the Yakuza who are working against us... Damn... They even tie me with the pillar." There is no way Mangkorn can free himself. They did him worst.


"Payu & Prapai are missing... Rain, Yai, and Mangkorn are kidnapped... I haven't seen my son for a half day! How can you still sit here and tell me to stay calm!?" Tankhun was a crying mess.

"Being hot-headed at this situation won't help... We just can't move randomly..."

"Kinn... Can't connect to Payu..." Vegas said with a deep frown. Looking back at the laptop.

"It has to be that Yakuza... The one who sent a spy among us... Prapai left us a file of details about them... Pass it..." Porsche asked. And received a nod from Arm.

Arm soon handed the file to Pete and Porsche.


"Oh... I see what you guys got here..." The Yakuza head entered the abandoned garage area. Hands inside a pants pocket, chin up with a smirk on lips.

Rain was scared of this man. He draws closer to Yai. While Yai & Mangkorn's eyes were fuming outrage.

The leader bent down in front of them. Stroking Yai's cheeks in a harassing manner, "This one is so pretty... This is Tankhun's son right?"

"Yes, Khun." One of his men replied.

Yai moved his face aside but the touch turned into a grip, making him whimper. But Yai being Yai. Spat on that Yakuza's face. While from beside Mangkorn was desperate to get free and kill that guy who dared to touch Yai.

"You! Your death is near! You don't know who you are messing up with!" Yai threaten that man with his gaze filled with rage.

That spat on Yakuza's face did make his cold head turn hot. He stood up with anger as he put his leg on Yai's chest. Pressing there hard, "Looks like your pretty mouth splits much... You will realize later dear..." He kicked him, "Take him to one of the private rooms ", As he turned his gaze at Mangkorn.

The mention of a Private room made Mangkorn vicious to get free from all the ropes, "Don't you dare touch him! Yakuza! Don't you dare! I WILL BURN YOU ALIVE IF YOU DARE TO LAY ONE MORE FINGER ON HIM!" He yelled and that Yakuza laughed.

"Look at you! Why are you being so angry? Isn't it good for you? You and this beauty are supposed to be enemies... I am helping you! Clearing your way! Come on~ show some gratitude!"

"You fucker!" Even after Mangkorn was all tied. He managed to free his leg and kick one of Yakuza's men who was coming for Yai.

But that didn't help much. Mangkorn was once again tied, now way tighter than before.

While Yai has been dragged into the so-called Private room. Yai resisted at first. Even made to get free but he was punched on his abandoned by Yakuza's man hard to make his resistance hard. He still did his best. But around the grip of six-man, how far he can go?

Yakuza ignored Mangkorn's threat and shouts as he move his attention to Rain, who was now trembling. He used his hand to lift his chin, "Aww... You... I didn't recognize you... Whose son are you?"

"He is Vegas's son Payu's boyfriend..." Gun replied from beside with a smirk.

"Uh! I am craving some from Payu's taste buds... Take this cutie to the other room..."

Mangkorn felt like tearing up the ropes now. His ultimate strength in his body was fighting for it. His hands were now bleeding.

While Rain head-butt Gun when he came near Rain. Rain must be afraid but he wasn't weak to not fight back.


To Be Continued ⏩

That Yakuza doesn't know what he is doing 😏 🔪

Where is Payu & Prapai? 🤔 And what do you think happened to Sky?

And author apologizes for kidnapping AU again :") I can't think anything better than this 💀 but this will be the last kidnap shit I promise :")

Still - Pls do vote ✅  & leave your comments :")

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