Richest Legacy • 12

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"Who told you to take that bullet for me, you dumbass? You know how risky the operation was!? What if you— what if you died?!" Even tho Yai was scolding Mangkorn his eyes were misty.

Mangkorn weakly smiled at him, "How can I just let you get hurt when I am there? If you were hurt, it would have hurt me ten times more..."

"Fuck you! You know how stressed uncle Porsche was!? He even cried for you alone when doctors said you are at risk! Dare to do that again! I will kill you myself!" Yai sulked with a pout. He held Mangkorn's hand which was trying to touch his cheek. He placed that hand over his cheek.

"Yai... I am sorry for what I did... I was insecure that one day we might turn against each other because of the responsibility on our shoulders... I was scared to—show you that I do love you... I was scared that love would turn into hate... That's why I... I apologize... Forgive me... I love you so much, Yai..." Mangkorn begged with honest guilt.

Yai looked at him with affection as he kissed the latter's hand, "I love you too, Mangkorn... You are the first person in my life I loved... When I saw you with your ex-girlfriend on the bed; that we shared... It bleeds my heart... Also the rejection... I couldn't forgive you at all no matter how much I fought with you... But... I never stopped loving you... I still love you... Let's face everything together in the future..."

Yai moved his face closer to Mangkorn as he kissed his lips softly, "Never leave me again..."

Mangkorn glowed softly, stroking Yai's cheek, "I promise... I won't..."

They were too focused on themselves to notice the people from behind the door were watching them.


Rain placed the bowl of soup down as he finished feeding it to Payu. Wiping his mouth, Rain feed Payu the medicine.

While for the whole time Payu was lost over Rain. As Rain finished with all, Payu holds his wrist and made him sit beside him.

"Huh- do you need something P'Payu?" Rain asked in confusion.

Payu shakes his head in no. Then with a grin, he steals a peak from Rain's lips. Making Rain blush and cover his mouth, "P'Payu! What if Khun Pete sees us!?"

"Pa will be proud of his son! Don't worry..." Payu's gaze gently turned soft as he touches the scar over Rain's lips, "I am sorry I was late... You got hurt and tortured... It's my fault... Involving with me is dangerous—" Payu's eyes slowly shift into downturned. "Rain... I think... Our journey should end here... If you keep on walking with me, you will keep on hurting like that... Or worst... I don't want you to—"

Payu was stopped by Rain's kiss on his lips. He wanted to break the kiss but cupping his cheeks Rain deepen into it. Finally getting separate Rain let his face close to Payu, "I loved you knowing that our path is not going to be full of flowers... There will be thorns... Ups and downs... And I am willing to pass all these holdings on to you... I am willing to stay beside you forever knowing it's risky... But still just because of the fear of getting hurt or death... I can't leave my love behind... I am not that coward, P'Payu... I loved you to stay with you... forever."

"Then let me protect you will my all..."

"I let you... And I will also do my best to protect you, help you, comfort you... Just stay with me..."

Payu softens at those words. He made Rain's head rest on his shoulder. Pecking on his hair, "I love you."

Rain gets comfortable in the position. Wishing to hold onto it until his last day. He made Payu's hand touch his cheek and as he lifts his head to look at Payu's eyes, "I love you more, P'Payu..."


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Prapai went inside Sky's cabin to check on him. Moving near the sleeping figure, he gently caresses his hand before placing a kiss on there.

Perhaps that kiss made Sky wake up as he held back Prapai when he was about to leave, "P'Pai."

"Sky... You woke up... Let me call the doctors for you—"

"No need, P'Pai... Can you— can you sit here a bit..." Sky requested. Thinking that how shameless he is.

Prapai kept that request. He sat on the bed. Helped Sky to sit up. Sky can't look at Prapai directly in his eyes.
He can't even start the conversation.

So Prapai broke the silence, "Gun and his friends have been captured. The video that they black-mailed you with is also in my hand now. You can take that back and destroy it."

Receiving no response from the latter, he generously looked at Sky. Finding the latter's eyes letting tears flow down constantly. Prapai wanted to wipe these tears away and embrace him, but an urge inside him didn't let him do that. He just placed his palm over Sky's fidgeting hands.

"I have no face to apologize to you, P'Pai... After everything, I did with you... I don't deserve your kindness towards me..."

Prapai isn't being kind to him. Prapai loves him. It's love that is making him do all this just for him. He doesn't want Sky's gratitude in return for his love. "It wasn't you that spied on me. You were blackmailed and manipulated to do that. Maybe if anyone else was in your place they would do that too. You are also a victim."

"Won't you ask me what is in that video?"

"I know... While torturing that Gun, he shouted out everything... It wasn't your fault that you were raped and blackmailed by them... Don't feel guilty over things that were not in your hands..."

Sky sniffed as he sighed hard, Prapai knows everything now. And of course, a man like him deserves someone better than Sky. It's time Sky leave, "P'Pai, Can I ask you one more thing for the last time? I promise after that I will never... be here to ask you anything... Just one last time..."

"What Is it?"

"My parents are in China... I have asked them to take me with them there... They have sent me all the necessary documents, can you just leave me at the airport..." Sky wonders how shameless he is. Even after all this, he can't help but feel secure under Prapai.

So Sky is leaving him. Guess, Sky did never love him back. Prapai took his hand away from Sky's, "Alright."
He better let Sky go back to his parents after all the hassle he had gone through. What is the point of asking him to stay, when he never even meant to love?


To Be Continued ⏩

It's the end game of
Or... is it? 👽☝

Yai and Mangkorn's story is sort of like Kim and Porchay's— that's why Porchay seems to notice Yai's depression state first 😥

Payu and Rain get along better 🤧 cuties 🤧

Well— please do leave a vote ✅. And comment down what you think about the chapter... 😿

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