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Morticia pov

It has been two days, since yn has had our baby boy and girl.

Our girl is a spitting image of Yn, our boy looks more like me.

I was happy for a very long time I have never felt happiness but I finally had it.

Wednesday and Ade walked into the room

Yn was asleep but the babies were awake but she need the rest so I left her asleep.

A-Oh my goodness she looks so much like my mom, baby look she's so cute

W- this one looks dead, amazing he looks like mom

M- Yn said don't use the word dead, to say the word Addams.

W- fine he looks like an Addams.

Y- yeah he does identical to your mother just the male version

A nurse than walked in informing us that we were were able to leave the hospital

Wednesday and Ade helped with the bags

yn and I were pushing the babies strollers.

Once we got to the car I placed the babies into the back seats while yn sat in the middle.

Wednesday and I put the bags in the back while Ade fold the strollers and placed them in the back as well.

I got in the driver seat and fixed the mirror so I was able to see yn and the kids

Yn was knocked out in the back. Half way through the drive back home she had to wake up because the babies started crying for food.

Once we got home all three of them were asleep. Wednesday got out of her and Adelines car and came to get my baby boy out while Ade got the girl and I carried yn into the house since she was very tired.

I placed her on our bed and closed the door. Pugsley and Ade didn't want to leave the babies side all day so they both ended up sleeping in the nursery.

Wednesday in the middle of the night went to the nursery to sleep with Ade.

The babies started crying and I went to go get them and bring them to my room.

The rest followed and ended up standing out side the door while yn feed them.

I told them that they will cry once more because they would need to be changed.

They all went back to the nursery, yn went straight back to bed exhausted from these pass few days

Next morning

Our whole family was coming from both sides, yns twin, my cousin it everyone to see the new babies

The house was clean and in party mode but yn on the other hand didn't want anyone at our house was just gonna call it of but yn said no and got ready

M- baby I can call it off it's no problem

Y- no hun it's ok

It was 7pm and everyone had arrived, yn was still upstairs getting out little ones ready

It was around 8 when all three of them came down she handed the girl to Ade and the boy to pugsley the moment she got down stairs.

She made her way towards me.

M- you ok baby

Y- yeah I'm just a bit tired
M- ok

I knew there was more to the picture but I didn't want to push it and just say there.

She seemed like she was ok but I knew something was wrong but she just didn't want to tell me

M- good afternoon everyone thank you for coming um yn and I just wanted to announce these little ones names.

Y- we named our little girl after my sister who passed Liliana

M- and our little boy was named after my father Leo

Everyone after the announcement went straight to yn talking about the names and all these other baby things.

I went to the bar to take a few shoots cause I was already tired of this.

It was now 1 in the morning and people were finally leave Ade and I were the only one still awake besides the guest that we're still here

By 2 everyone was out and Ade and I went to our rooms.

I walked into my room and yn was on the bed still in her dress

M- Yn sweetie wake up we need to get you out this dress or do you want me to do it.

Y- you

She was half awake while I tired taking off her clothes she was not the easiest person right.

I remember the night where yn was black out drunk and I was taking her club clothes off and she was acting the exact same. Who knew someone would stay the same after so many years

I mean we were 15 and now we're both 36

Once I was done with yn I change out of my clothes and got into something more comfortable.


Not my best I'm finally feeling better and got medicine from the doctors.

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