Chapter 10 (Final Chapter)

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"Yes,  I do"
16 months later

Morticia pov

I was getting ready in my dressing room, getting ready for my big day, a day I was waiting for, for years.

I am finally marrying the women of my dreams the person I have loved the longest and the most.

I baby boys were with me in my dressing room, while Wednesday,Adeline and my little girl were with yn.

Pugsley and Leo were the ring boys and Liliana and Enid were the flower girls.

Wednesday was my made of honor and Adeline was yn made of honor.

I was so excited I couldn't wait to say I don to the women I love the most

I was just so happy, I have never felt this happy in my whole life.

I got a bit nervous as time went by and pugsley said it was time.

Larissa was walking me down the ill, while yns dad walked her down the ill.

I went out first and yn was right after me. I was so excited now and I just wanted to say yes.

Yn walked down the ill, I was tearing up but I couldn't cry I was gonna ruin my make up.

But gosh she looked so amazing and all I want to do was say yes and get out of this place.

Her father than let her hand go and gave it to me. I looked into her beautiful eyes and how they were filled with happiness.

We said our vowels and and than we said I do. I was handed my ring by Wednesday and yn was handed her ring by Adeline.

The rest of the night was just a blast and amazing. It was how I wanted my life to be just to be with yn. I have always loved her no matter what happened or who I was with.

She was making first love I would I have loved her ether way. Yn is a special girl, it's hard to find someone like her. Someone that will stick with you no matter what it is or how bad it is.

It was now late and it was just yn and I the rest have left and the kids left early. They got tired really fast.

But I wanted this moment of just the two of us alone to be in her mind for ever. So I got my phone and played the first song we had ever danced to.

I grabbed her hand and we slowed danced. Just the two of us alone.

"You know I love you, baby so fucking much you mean the world to me and I would never let any harm come to your way, you know that right" 

"Yes baby I know and I will always love you for that, but I will always love you for being you"

It was our final danced and I was enjoying ever moment of it. It was just the two of us enjoying our moment. No kids no interruption.

Im gonna spend every moment of my life with this women. I give you my word on that.



                             18 years later

Yn pov

Today was the day Liliana and Leo were graduating, I was happy cause now all the kids are getting the fuck out my house and I get peace and quiet.

But I was proud of my kids they all have done really good things for them self.

Wednesday has changed her mind and decided to go into law.

Adeline is a business owner.

Pugsley is a teacher.

Enid my daughter from another mother is a doctor.

So I'm a very proud mother they made something out of them self and that takes a lot of time and patience for the careers they had chosen.

Liliana was thinking on maybe becoming a doctor just like Enid. And Leo was thinking of being a lawyer just like Wednesday.

So I can say I did right by my children, Wednesday and Adeline had gotten married 2 years ago, and they are playing on having a child, they don't really know when since they have a lot of work.

But hey, I'm not getting any younger and I want to meet my grandkids.

I just love my life at first it was kinda bad and I questioned a lot of things and why things happened the way they happened.

But know I'm kinda happy they happened cause if they didn't I wouldnt be the women I am today, and I wouldn't be the mother or wife I am today.

Life has just been amazing to me, and I'm glad I have kids and my amazing wife Morticia to share it with.

"Yn sweetie you ok"

I look towards her since I was zoomed out just thinking.

"Yeah hum, I'm amazing, just thinking"

"What you think about"

"How amazing my life had been and that I was able to share it with you baby"

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and went back to just thinking.

She gave me a smile and cuddle into my side.


Hoped you liked this book, I know it's a short book but I enjoyed every chapter I have written and all the turn of events.

Hoped you liked it as much as I did.

Pls vote, pls and thank you

And goodbye, but just for this book

902 words

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