Ticci Tobi

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Firstly, I want to say thank you guys for requesting this character so much and I am sorry if I made him a little OOC (I don't know his story, neither it does fascinate me) Thought, many cheers for it's creator. And also, TO YOU GUYS TOO~


Reaching under the bag, you pursed your lips only to bring out a protection mask, which you remembered it was Toby's.On top of that, it was pretty obvious because the male had the palm of his hand over his mouth, sealing his mouth from being discovered or seen by the others.

"Ah, it looks like young Toby is up next. Go on, you guys have seven minutes in hell. No child making and Toby...."Splendor trailed before motioning two fingers to were his eyes were suppose to be then back at the male in an 'I am watching you' kind of motion.

Sighing, you took a slightly confused Toby with you into the closet before the darkness enveloped you two making you let go of the male and pass him his mask back."Here, Slender is a jerk and fucktard."You muttered while crossing your arms over your chest, your eyes getting adjusted with the darkness making you spot Toby rather easily.

The male was looking away rather nervous before turning his orange goggles towards you making you tilt your head, and purse your lips in thought."I-I...l-like....you....a-a...lot...(N)-(Name)!"He stuttered out making you remember you adored his stuttering self even if when he was pissed or teased, he became so brutal with those hatchets of his.

"I like you too, Toby."You smiled at the male only to giggle when his arms wrapped around your waist rather shyly, but it wasn't like you wanted to be in a rash relationship and Toby was the perfect boyfriend in your eyes.He was sweet, carrying, not a total psycho and would make a rather nice best friend too.

Smiling Toby got a little adventurous and kiss your cheek only to actually like the feeling of skin against skin and start peppering all your face in kisses while you squirmed and laugh in his arms."T-Toby...You are suppose to kiss my lips!"You said between fits of giggles only to freeze up when the males gloved fingers found your cheeks angling your head up while your (e/c) eyes dilated in wonder.

"Sorry,I loved how soft and lively you are...Do you believe in love at first sight?That's what happened with me, (Name)...Here!"One of his hands shifted from your cheeks only to grab one of your hands and place it where his heart was suppose to beat, only to actually feel something beat rapidly in his chest.

"This isn't normal...You are making me so nervous..Look...I-i don't even stutter anymore like I usually do..."He whispered only to drop your hand and cup your chin, pressing his lips over yours while you let his mask drop to the floor, your eyes fluttering closed while you returned the kiss, your hands snaking under his hood only to tug on the brown locks of hair and smile hearing a deep growl come from him.

He lifts you up only to push you against the wall, his tongue running over your bottom lip,asking for entrance, which you denied, because you were a tease.Growling, he let you down only to start kissing your neck, biting it here and there, and even leaving deep, purple hickies which BEN and Jeff will tease you for.

Your arms gripped the back of his shirt only to sigh in pleasure when his hands snaked under your own t-shirt, rubbing your stomach in smooth patterns making your (s/c) skin start to tingle in pleasure.Subconsciously, you slid his gloves off his hands only to whine sadly when the male pulled back and take the gloves from you.

You caught sight of red scars on his pale skin, biting your lower lip and whispering you were sorry only to smile when the male kissed you."It's ok, (Name). It passed."He whispered only to rub your lower back, sending chills and shivers down your spine making you push yourself closer to his chest only to reach on your tip toes to nibble at his neck, having in plan to give him a hicky like he did to you.

Lacing your fingers together, you two smiled at each other and grin having the same matching marks on your neck.For the rest of the time, you guys snuggles into each other and talk about your future together, snatching kisses here and there and even going further in exploring each other bodies but didn't take it too far.

When the time was up,Jane opened the closed door and stare boredly at you guys for not exposing yourselves into an embarrassing situation.You two simply ignored her and took your original seats back, only to make hand motions and even blow kisses at each other when no one looked at you two.

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