Laughing Jack

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Humming your searched the bag for something more interesting, maybe some candies or snacks? Laughing, you grabbed something that felt like a bag and bring it out, tilting your head on a side."Sweet...candies!"grinning evilly you unwrapped the bag and eat some candies looking at Slenderman. He turned his head and motion for somebody to come closer to you and him. Turning your head, you almost choked on your candies when you saw a boy with jet black hair, white and black fur on his shoulders, a black and white striped sleeved shirt, a pair of striped socks and a pair of dark grey boots.

Blinking, you tried to guess who he was .He looked like a clown but he gave you bad vibes and that made you shiver a little. "(Name), he is Laughing Jack. Now Jack be good with (Name) and don't kill her, ok?Her parents still need her. So play fair and share, ok?"laughing, Jack grabbed your wrist a little too tight making you wince in pain.

Splendor walked you two to the closet and smile widely, petting your head. "If he tries anything us ok (Name)?Oh and Jack you better listen to Slendy and share. Sharing is caring~"with that being said, Splendor closed the door making you two to be to look at each other.

"Uh...hi?"gulping a little you sat down and lean on the wall trying to get ajusted to the dark until you felt two hands creep around your wrists."J-Jack?!"looking up, you wided your eyes seeing his sinister smile and damn it made you scared. Moving a little you tried to find out what was holding you and what the hell Jack was going to do.

"Stop moving so much...hehehe....but i like you whimpering....hehe....can you make more noises?"smirking Jack nuzzled your cheek and give your jaw a long lick, making you shiver a little."No sounds?My, are playing hard to get, no?Two can play that game (Name)~" purring Jack let go off your wrists only to find out you couldn't move them at all.

What was going on? You turned your head on your left side and saw Jack get out something from his pocket. A sweet smell filled the room and you bit your lower lip trying to surpass the sounds leaving your mouth. Oh mother of nyan cat, he got out a bag full of candies...or well a plush dog that had his stomach ripped open and candies fell from it.

"Jack please...I want it!"growling a little, you shifted more trying to pry your wrists out of the things that held you tied there. You wanted that damn candies bag -- dog whatever,and you would get it even if you had to flip this closet and suffocate Jack. Wait...why were you thinking like a murder? You were just a normal girl. Shaking your head, you let your fringe shadow your face looking down at the floor.

Jack laughed loudly and felt pity for you looking at the plush under his arm, he sighed and got some candies out shoving them in your mouth and laughing at your shocked expression."Nghhsfsl???!!" you screamed but shut your mouth trying not to choke with the sweet treats. Why would he share them with you right now? Oh hell no...don't tell me he was going to ---

Jack smirked and poked your cheeks and then move to lick your neck making you gasp loudly and choke a little with the candies. That freaking tickled you and you were a person that gets tickled easily. Furrowing your eyebrows, you tried to hit Jack with your legs only to moan when he grabbed your tights and move in between them, still licking your neck and making different marks there.

"Ja----Jack!" you tried to hiss, feeling tears already dripping down your cheeks from too much laughing. If he would keep that up, you would suffocate with the candies and hell you didn't want to die in a closet! That's for sure. Jack looked up and laugh unwrapping a candy bar and biting down on it moving his lips closer to yours and grinning at you.

Sniffling, you bit the other end of the chocolate,already gulping down the remains of candies and nibble on the chocolate, glaring at Jack while doing so. What was he planning anyway? Was this some kind of pocky game? Jack giggled evilly and bit the left of the chocolate, grabbing your cheeks and moving you closer to him so that he could deeper the kiss. Wait...when did he start kissing you?

His tongue invaded your mouth moving around freely and exploring every inch of your wet cavern, he even licked the roof of your mouth making you to moan his name in his mouth. He smirked and wrap his tongue around yours, sucking on it hungrily making you twich in his lap nervously. His tongue had a strong taste of chocolate, rum and even candies along with blood. Your eyes half lidded looking in those dark black eyes, shivering a little.

You felt his hands tug violently at your shorts and also the things that held your wrists, rubbed your hands up and down making you gasp and blush furiously."I love so much those sounds~ They sound so cute. I wonder..."laughing again, Jack rubbed your stomach lightly giving slow and painful pecks down your collar bone and stop at the top of your breasts. Breathing heavily, you shifted again making your lower half rub against his and narrow your eyes when you heard him growl loudly.

"KIDSSSSS SLENDY IS GONNA OPEN THE DOOR! Papa wants to see you not doing anything stupid and embarrassing,ok?"Splendor singed, walking along side with Slender and watch the door open with an amused smile.There you were in Jack's lap looking at them with a flushed and poker face while Jack had his grin on and laugh standing up and grabbing your wrists with one of his hands,dragging you down the hall and upstairs.

"Awww aren't you guys going to stay for the cake?"Splendor asked beaming with happiness and you could swore you saw stars and rainbows behind him. Jack shook his head and laugh looking and mumbling over his shoulder "I'll give her something better then candies and cake..but save us two pieces of it, ok?"you blinked and shiver a little. Boy you gonna be exhausted for sure tonight. But oh well, free candy!

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