Chapter 12 Revieve

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Hey gays and guys😍🖕🏻

2 weeks later

Jayden's Pov:

I'm stood in the assembly room behind the curtains of the stage, so no one can see us.

Iv'e been purposely nicer to my brother and everyone else, I need there trust and I need Wednesday gone. She's the most careless one here so she should be the most suspicious. Iv'e already written out my reasons and once the assembly starts, that's when my reasons will show on the big screen. Then she'll be suspended and possibly arrested from self evidence.

"Sounds like a good plan. Right Eugene?" I look down to my left to see Eugene writing notes.

"Never been better!" He says. "After what Enid did to you, this is good revenge." He says with his spitting lisp.

No One's Pov:

Enid is awake, sat up straight on the bed with her back rested against the head rester. She's speaking to the doctors who are giving her the choice of coming out today or staying until she's comfortable enough to go out.

Enid's Pov:

I'm scared.

I don't know what to do. I hope that when I get out of here, Jayden will just leave me alone and everyone will treat me normally. I know I can't tell anybody what happened for lots of reasons. Anyways I miss everyone.

I didn't think I'd ever say this but..

I also miss Wednesday the MOST.

I stand up, I struggle but the doctors help me keep my balance.

Wednesday's Pov:

Iv'e just heard the good news about Enid. Well.. just news. Not good and not bad.

Never mind, it's good news. I can't keep hiding my feelings for her forever. I'm glad she's finally out and I'm proud of her for staying strong. I am really proud of her and yes I'm annoyed such a colourful random Nevermore student managed to get me saying such a horrible thing.

1 day later

No One's Pov:

Theres going to be a party tomorrow hosted by Bianca and Davina.

Everybody will be invited. It's being hosted in the same room the last one was in.

Wednesday is in Xavier's dorm, sat next to him on the bed.

"What about the sketch?" Wednesday asks with a straight tone. "Have you made it?"

Xavier realises he forgot.

"Ah- uh I- I forgot." He looks at her with his hands on his knees.

She doesn't show any reaction to this.

"I can't say I'm surprised. Boys like you always have better things to do."

"Listen I had to help out with the party Bianca and Yoko were hosting. At least I got a good part in the party." He tried making her forget about the sketch.

She just looks confused and disgusted at the same time. Clearly wondering.

"I got the drink job." He let out a huge smile.

Her face turns from confused and disgusted to just disgusted.

"Why would you want to serve unplanned pupils of a boarding school?"   She said.

He just let out a cheeky cuff.

"It's to help with the party, thought you were smarter then that Wens?"

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