Chapter 29 || Ruthless

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Five Hours Ago

Location: The Dark, Empty Room

No One's POV:

Blood dripped from Ashley's neck.

It started to scar quickly, she was still choking on blood by the time it had scarred.
"Was that really ne- necessary?" She choked out, trying not to cough again.

"Interesting..." the man in black says.
"Not really interesting, just a healed wound."

"So what are you then?" He asks her. She smirks and doesn't reply.
"Well? You a werewolf?" The man in white steps forward and grabs a scalpel.

"Ugh, live laugh hate werewolves. You were close enough though." She replies and rips the rope from her wrists, standing up and stepping out of it.

The men step back. "Impossible," the man in black says.

"Why are you suddenly speaking like a posh, French person? Five minutes ago you would have still been threatening me with a knife," Ashley says sarcastically.

"Why aren't you taking this seriously?" The man in black steps forward, starting to think he will be unharmed because of her immaturity in the situation. "Is everything just a joke to you then?"

Her pupils cover her eyes in a new form. "Depends on what the situation is exactly."

His hope of getting out alive had gone down. She twists her neck around and feels the dripping blood.

"This makes me hungry," she says and looks at the man. "What do you say
Mr whatever your name is? Wanna dance?"
She waited for the right time to strike, the man didn't even last a second after her question, his neck was being ripped by her fangs and his screams were bringing her just more pleasure, making her bite with more pressure and consume some of his flesh without even noticing anymore.

He was dead in seconds.

She drops him to the floor with his own blood slipping down to her chin, she wipes it with her thumb and looks behind, noticing Rafael gone; her pupils take over her vision again.


Rafael was outside the building, his weight and strength slowed him down but he wasn't trying to run. He knew he made a mistake but he kept going.

He could hear Ashley slowly chanting his name from inside of the building. He got quite far towards the gate but that wasn't enough.

She was in front of him, he pushed himself backwards on the ground to save her the trouble of having to do it herself. She looked down at him only with her eyes, a smirk you'd only be able to see if you look closely.

She stands on his knee, hovering over him as the cracks destroy his bones, he feels like his leg is exploding but he only lets out small groans, he doesn't want to seem weak.

"I've not had human blood in a very long time, I'll try to make you last. The handsome guy died to quickly..."

Jayden's POV:

Me and Thornhill hired some guys to interrogate Ashley to tell them everything she knows about Enid. But I've gotten no response off them, their probably to busy torturing her but I don't give a shit. Thornhill said she has to show me something she found in Wednesday's draw but I'll meet her later.

Right now I need to find Enid. I have the perfect plan on how to kill her.

Wednesday's POV:

I knock on the door as Thing makes himself comfortable on my shoulder. It opens and Yoko leans her head on it.

"What's up? Something happen?" She assumes.

Of course something happened. Why else would I be here? The disc is gone, Tyler is blackmailing me, Enid is avoiding me and I have no idea where she is, Thornhill may retrieve the disc to Jayden which will cause Enid's chance of death to increase by a high enough amount for everyone to be doomed.

"The disc is gone," is all I can say. But she looked at me confused as if she doesn't know what I'm talking about. "Yoko. The disc."

Suddenly her face stretches into realisation. Finally..

"What do you mean it's gone? Like disappeared?" Yoko asks me.

I thought she was smarter then this but since she just asked me that, I want to spike her entire room with garlic and lock her inside with no ventilation or oxygen so the only thing she'll be breathing in is the poisonous garlic to infect her lungs and destroy her insides.

But I won't.

"Will you help me find it or not? It couldn't have gone far, Thornhill was the last one in my dorm room so she must have it."

Yoko looks back in her dorm then back at me.
"Does it have to be now?" She asks me.
Well what a stupid question.

"Do you have anything better to do?" I respond.

Suddenly, Divina peaks her head to look at me.
"What disc?" Divina asks. Yoko rolls her eyes.
"Never mind, it can wait. I'll start looking, contact me when your ready." I go to turn around before she starts to speak again.
"Wait," I stop turning and turn my head to her. "Give me your phone number so I could get in touch if I hear anything or... find it." She takes her phone from her pocket.

Should I give it to her? If I do then I'd just be turning into a normal Outcast student. Having a phone is worse enough, and caring about a goofy rainbow is even more terrible.

"Ask Xavier for it." I turn back around and walk away. I could tell she wanted to say something but she knew I wasn't going to turn back around for a second time.


No One's POV:

The man couldn't keep his pain in any longer, he started to scream and groan out loud. The pain was to much. Each one of his bones were being snapped one at a time and very slowly. One of his eyes were gauged out and stuffed with tuna to fill the hole. Two of his fingers were snapped and ripped off from the bone then shoved in his nostrils.
At this moment, Ashley was connecting machine connected bear traps everywhere all over his body.
Four on both of his legs each, three on both of his arms each, two for his hips and now she was placing one in his mouth.

The one in his mouth was edited to go to the opposite way, so instead of crushing his tongue, it would rip apart his entire jaw, causing his brain and his head fillings to slip out.

Ashley leant away from him, standing up straight.
"Looks good enough. Now... let's play a little challenge. If you can stay still through this pain..." she picks up a rusted trench dagger and rests it on the orange, melted metal for it to heat up. "..-then you live. If you move... then you'll turn into minced meat. Got it? Great."

The man was expecting only a few teeth to be pulled out and stabbed a couple times, never did he think this would ever happen to anyone at all.
The situation felt ruthless.



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