Madness Combat a term that described at Very Violent and Hardcore World for The Resident in Nevada where everything is Gray...Just Gray nothing else really matter much.
So...Why not make it worth while, By Messing Shit Up! First Nevada then The Enti...
Hank J. Wimbleton is a Man of few words but what is he?
Well they did say Actions do speak louder than words so best way to put him is that...
He is a Absolute Heartless Monster, A Menace To Everybody He Meet and The only thing that they could sum him is that...He is a Killer
Nobody knows what he was before, nor what caused nis life to be so filled with Blood, Murder and Death
What could caused one man to go through a Life with such Violence...Ruthlessness...Merciless
After a One Man Crusade through Nevada which was full of Killing, Brutal Bloodshed and Dying and even to a point where a Reality Distorting Device got involved in his Killing Sphere Hank doesn't seem to stay down
Not even when a Reality Distorting Clown rips his head off his neck that it killed him. But even through all that Hank simply cared more at what his Goal is and needed to be done
Nothing else or less to him a Mission is a Mission. He stopped looking at things from Good or Evil. To him Concept like those only get in his line of work in Nevada its either do or die and He not gotta Die...Or at least not yet
He didn't care about anything else if what needed to be done that get him closer to his object He will take it, going as far at looking at people who you would consider 'Allies'to be nothing more than Tools to make his job easier, now of course He did dream about a more Pleasant and Constant Battle Free Life...
If only He is a Deep Sleeper, No everytime he try He can't never seem to get a wink of proper sleep. Probably have something to do with his Violence Lifestyle and Bloodlust Nature
It grew to a point where He stop sleeping for good, if he does then The Nevadian would only received Night Terror about God know what his Twisted Mind got in store in there
He kill Time...Both Literally and Figuratively by doing what he know best, Wreck Facility And Killing. That is one thing He great at...That and Real Estate
He was known to be a Good Killer, some may even consider him being a Master even in The Art Of Death and that was a damn good thing considering where he lived constantly proving time and time that he cannot be stopped even killing a The Sheriff and The Sun itself...List goes on of his Incredible Feats that nobody would know since...They're dead
But that was in the past...Lately thing has been gotten rather Dull to put it simply back then He enjoy painting this Gray Land in Red with The Blood And Brain Matter of his Enemies but now after what's he been through
Its not the same feel at he used to. He doesn't get that thrill that he desperately seek out forHe missed The Thrill Of The Killing and...
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