Chap 5:Departure, Crash Landed Into Adventure

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(3rd Pov)

It was the early morning The Sun begin to rise and peaking it head in the horizon as our Nevadean Residental is seen shine over by The Ray Of Solar Radiation we see Katalina standing outside stretching as she ready to departure and take off while also get in some practice of her blade in order to not get rusty...No pun intended

Meanwhile Doc is seen talking with The Village Resident about their departure essentially Sanford, Deimos and Doc have aid and contribute their part within The Villages helping those that are in need with their own Skills

Sanford does The Heavy Lifting, Deimos help with The Planting and Knowledge about thing that The Villager would need while Doc aid them with Medical problem thus earning them quite a likability by The Resident in Zenkenstill

As for Our Hero Hank? Well he is as restless at he is when he is in Nevada the dude barely sleep nor does give a shit about The Villages and their Residents whenever someone even Kids try to approach him he usually response with hostile intent pulling his Guns or Sword at them either out of annoyance or just plain hostility

Doc worried as now they're not in Nevada, they are in an entirely different world if they want to figure thing out they gotta need to dial down The 'Trigger Happy' Attitude Hank especially but The Damn Merc is too stubborn to leave his guard down even when he is with them

Right now Hank is seen punching a Hanging Meat after some time he gotten used to The Enviroment in hunting and he just wanna break some bones since Human isn't an option he have to compromise

Each strikes cause The Meat to squirt blood and it shot onto him and become more tenderize as he slow down and take a breather Hank looked at his palm which was soak with blood he could feel the soreness from constantly assaulting The Piece Of Han...

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Each strikes cause The Meat to squirt blood and it shot onto him and become more tenderize as he slow down and take a breather Hank looked at his palm which was soak with blood he could feel the soreness from constantly assaulting The Piece Of Hanging Meat but

He then grip his fist tightening it till he could hear muscle stretches and tearing slightly as he memorize the scream and gunshot echoing through his mind closing his eyes in order to focuses on it when he open them once more he is met with The Blue Hair Girl again

She stood in front of him despite the blood she either brave or just plain stupid to just walk up on him

Lyria: "(Smile) Hi!"

Hank didn't response rather he didn't want to, The Man isn't much of a talker even before he lost his Lower Jaw only ever Talk if it really nescessary and this isn't one of them he merely turned back to the stool where he hang the towel and ignored her

Lyria:  "Hey wait! I just wanna say thank you"

Thank you? For what, Hank doesn't care if people are thankful of him or not there merely empty word that make themselve feel good and safe as He grab the towel and wipe the blood off of his hand Lyria then step forward once more

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