Chapter 10

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The bell rang signalling end of first period and she dashed out of the room, with the intention of loosing the constant stares.

She went into the hallway , towards her locker to get her books when,

"Hey. Jade right?" A voice said making her turn to see a brunette boy.

"Uh...yeah." she whispered.

"You don't talk much do you?" He asked, chuckling softly.

"I--" she started but was cut off by another voice. It was a mice.

"Dylan why are you talking to that creep!!" The mice...girl said.

"Urgh. What do you want, Rebecca?" The boy whose name was Dylan said , rolling his eyes. "You know what? Get out." He said, leaving.

Jade turned towards her locker, trying to ignore the stare of Rebecca.

Maybe if you ignore it, it'll go way. Right?

"Listen here freak." The girl said, slamming Jade into the locker. The hallway had cleared by now as everyone had made their way to their classes.

"I don't know what you think you are. But over here, I'm the queen bee. Don't get on my nerves." She continued, tightening her grip around Jade's arm.

The feeling. The feeling of being restrained, knowing you can't get out. This feeling encompassed Jade as she struggled out of the bully's grip.

"Pl... please stop." She whispered.

Suddenly she started having flashbacks of the asylum. The feeling of being kept there, locked away from the outside world, probed as an experiment. All because she killed...

Her parents.

Once again, she felt pressure build up within her. She felt the pain and sadness within her multiply. It built up in her and it came worse than before. Another emotion flooded into her. One of fear...but it wasn't hers. It was...


She opened her eyes to see nothing but fear written all over the girl's face. The emotions started building up. Jade needed to let it out.

"AARGH!!!" she screamed as she felt instant release. She breathe out a sigh of relief as she falls on the floor. Her eyes felt droopy and her head felt lightheaded. She lays on the floor as she let the unconsciousness consume her.

"Is she okay? Pick her up." She heard a woman's voice in the background before everything went black.


         "So you're telling me that she's like you. Scar that's impossible." A voice said I'm a hushed whisper.

Jade refuses to move, wanting to listen on whatever the girl was saying. The voice sounded really familiar, but who was scar?

"It's not impossible. That's why he adopted her. He knew about this." Another voice said. Scarlett.

Who was this he? Gabe? What did he know?

Jade opened her eyes as she knew she wasn't going to get any answers by playing dead. She groaned as her head felt extremely painful, her chest also hurts...only a lot.

"Hey, hey, chill. You're okay." Scarlett spoke, crouching in front of her as she noticed the groaning.

"How are you feeling?" The other girl asked. She was in Scarlett's age group. She had a freckled face with red hair and beautiful grey eyes.

"I...I'm fine." Jade whispered.

"Back to whispering, I see." Scarlett sighed, making Jade bow her head sadly.

" did I...g-get here?" Jade asked, finally taking in her surroundings. She was in Scarlett's house, well, their house. "And who are you?" She asked looking at the other girl.

"Jade do you know what's wrong with you?" Scarlett asked with a serious face.

"You dumbass. Don't go hit the nail on the head. Walk your way towards it." The girl said, smacking Scarlett's head. "Hey, I'm Astrid. So what happened, hun." She asked, facing Jade.

"I... I don't know." The sixteen year old whispered again.

"Jade." Scarlett called. "I want you to tell me everything. Start from the beginning." She said sitting on the chair opposite the couch Jade was laying on.

Jade took a deep breath and as she started speaking. She told them about the accident that started it all. Norah, Gabe, Gerald and Rebecca.

"So you don't know what has been happening to you." Astrid asked, looking at Scarlett.

"No." Jade whispered out. "I killed them. I killed my family"

Tears pooled in her eyes as she had the flashbacks once more. Dad trying to calm her down, mom screaming at the truck about to crash into them, the flames filling the car as they slowly burnt Norah to a crisp.

All because of her.

The air immediately grew thick as anger flooded Jade's mind. They didn't deserve to die. She was the monster meant to be killed not her parents...not Norah. She felt the anger building up in her gut, causing pressure to fill her. She needed to get it out. Her eyes started stinging and her chest hurt as her breathing intensified.

"It's okay. Breathe Jade." A voice said on the distance.


"Open your eyes, Jade." She cooed. "Listen to my voice."

"I..I can't. It hurts." Jade cried out as she peeked through her tears to look at Scarlett.

"Match my breathing. You can do it." Jade followed and instantly, the air returned to normal. The stinging in her eyes stopped.

She let out a sigh as she felt lightheaded again. She laid on the couch as she stared at Scarlett.

Why wasn't she afraid? Astrid as well. They just stared at her. Do they know what was wrong with her?

"What's happening to me?" She asked, testing the waters.

"Jade," Scarlett started, earning a nod of approval from Astrid. "You're an empath."

Wait, what?



So...? What do you think? And which do you prefer; 1st pov or 3rd pov?

Lemme know through your comments. Don't forget to vote and possibly share. There will be more so keep checking for updates.

Love y'all xx ❤️

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