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   "We do not associate with muggles, do you understand me?!"

   The blonde glanced around for a way out, tears gushing down her cheeks as her father's nails dug into her arms. "Elizabeth! Listen to me!" He brought his hand back, striking her across the face. The girl looked to the side in shock, her mouth falling open.

   This was undoubtedly the angriest her father had ever been with her.

   "T-They're my friends," she muttered, her father shaking her once more. "What?" He grit his teeth Elizabeth, glancing around the room, her eyes shaky. She felt the man's grip loosen slightly, taking her chance and wriggling free.

   "Elizabeth Malfoy you come back here!"

   The blonde ignored his yells for her, taking up off the stairs of the manor and into her room, slamming the door behind her. Tears ran rapidly down her cheeks, the girl falling to the carpet. She heard footsteps come up the steps, banging on her door following.

   The girl had just found out the reason her friends hadn't written all summer. Turns out they had written, however her father had put the house elves in charge of intercepting any mail that came from a non-pure-blood or any muggle associators.

   After a few moments the banging on the door stopped, the girl slowly climbing into her bed, tears staining her cheeks. She looked at the huge chest pushed to the corner of her room. It was less than a week until she would be back at Hogwarts.

   Back with her real family.

* * *

   At the sound of a car engine Elizabeth's eyes slowly opened. She yawned, sitting up in her huge bed. She looked to the window across from her, a small car floating outside with three familiar redheads grinning at her.


   "We came to save you!"

   Elizabeth quickly got out of bed, rushing over to the window. "Harry's in there too?" The brunette waved, Elizabeth unable to keep herself from smiling. Suddenly she remembered, her heart dropping. "I'm so sorry for not writing any of you back."

   "Well that's why we came Lizbeth." Fred grinned, George smiling as well. "We were worried about you," he finished. The girl smiled again, Ron looking at her in impatience. "Well? Get your chest, let's go!"

   Elizabeth quickly ran to grab her chest, dragging it to the window and allowing George to stow it in the back. She then ran back into her room, grabbing a slip of note paper from her desk. She quickly scribbled a note to Draco, leaving it on her bed for him to find.

   "Hurry up Liz!" Ron rushed.

   The blonde looked around, "Astoria!" The black cat perked up from where she was seated, Elizabeth scooping her up before making her way to the window. Harry opened the back door, helping pull her into the car. Elizabeth placed her pet down on the seat beside her as Fred zoomed off before she could even close the door.

   "Merlin, did I miss you guys." she exhaled. Harry grinned, tugging one of the girl's curls. "We missed you too Liz." Fred slightly jerked the car, the boy sliding into Elizabeth causing the girl to wince in pain. Harry took notice of this, observing the purple marks on her arms.

   He frowned, staying quiet.

* * *

   The car landed roughly in the yard of a strange looking house, rooms stacked atop each other like building blocks. Fred led the group inside, constantly reminding them to be quiet as they went. Elizabeth looked around the house in fascination.

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