forty eight.

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   Elizabeth sat silently, her knees pulled into her chest as she took deep labored breaths. She felt like a little girl again, curled up in her bedroom after being yelled at by her father. She had a weight resting on her chest.

   Though this one was much heavier.

   At the sound of footsteps she turned, Harry standing at the top of the stairs. Ron and Hermione stood as well, the boy making his way down to them.

   "Where've you been?" Hermione asked, clutching Ron's hand.

   "We'd thought you'd gone to the forest," Ron voiced their thoughts as Harry pushed past him, "that's where I'm going now."

   Elizabeth felt something spark in her chest, "are you mad?" She followed him down the steps, stopping short of him.

   Hermione approached on her side, laying a tender hand on her shoulder, "what is it Harry? What is it you know?"

   Harry slowly turned, taking in a shaky breath, "there's a reason I can hear them...the horcruxes. I think I've known for a while. And I think you have too."

   Elizabeth felt her eyes glaze over.

   She couldn't lose Harry.

   Not him.

   "I'll go with you-"

   "No kill the snake," Harry shook his head, "kill the snake and then it's just him."

   Hermione rushed forward to hug the boy, tears streaming down her cheeks. Harry watched Elizabeth from over her shoulder, the blonde refusing to look at him.

   Her entire life tiny bits of her heart had been chipped away.

   Tiny pieces would go each time her father yelled at her, then more broke off at Cedric's death. Sirius took a lot, an unreasonable amount. She lost quite a bit when obliviating Draco. Dobby, Remus and Fred took their toll.

   She thought about her promise to Sirius.

   To look after Harry.

   Hermione slowly backed away from Harry, Elizabeth slowly stepping forward. She wrapped her arms around the boy, burying her face into his shoulder. After a few minutes she pulled away, holding the boy by the shoulders.

   She memorized every aspect of his face.

   The way his hair fell, the speckled dots in his eyes, and his crooked glasses. She knew she wouldn't be able to live after this.

   She would never be able to get over the pain to fully live her life.

   There's only so much loss a person can take.

   Elizabeth sighed, shakily smiling at the boy, "Goodbye Harry."

   He couldn't manage a smile back, "Goodbye Liz."

* * *

   Elizabeth followed Neville as he rummaged through the rubble, picking up a scorched hat. He brushed it off, holding it up for Elizabeth to see. The blonde however was distracted by the small figure approaching in the distance.

   She reached for Neville's hand, her heart filling with hope. "Do you think that could be him?" Neville didn't answer as he made his way down the piled, lacing his fingers with her's.

   The figures came closer, Voldemort coming into view.

   Elizabeth felt herself deflate of all hope, her grip on Neville's hand growing stronger as they began to be joined by the others.

   Ginny came up beside her, "who is that? Liz, who is that Hagrid's carrying?"

   Voldemort answered for her, raising his arms with a sickening grin. "Harry dead!"

   Ginny lunged forward, "no!"

   Mr.Weasley quickly held her back, his face blank and devoid of emotion. Elizabeth would say her heart sank however she wasn't sure how lower it could go.

   "Silence! You stupid girl," Voldemort spat, "Harry Potter is dead. From this day forth, you put your faith in me."

   Elizabeth scoffed, an action that could get her killed, had he heard her. Then again she didn't have much to live for.

   Voldemort turned to his army, "Harry Potter is dead!"

   They laughed and cheered.

   Elizabeth's eyes fell on her parents, her mother already looking at her. Her parents weren't laughing, they were searching the crowd for Draco.

   "And now is the time to declare yourself," Voldemort turned back, "join us or die."

   Nobody moved.

   After a moment a voice rang out.

   "Draco," Luscious beckoned, "Draco."

   Narcissa nodded, "Draco...come."

  Everyone stared at the boy, Elizabeth watching in despair as he walked forward to be embraced by voldemort. "Well done Draco," the man commended. The boy made his way past, Narcissa quickly hugging him.

   Elizabeth felt Neville release her hand, the blonde watching as he slowly limped forward. She wanted to reach forward, she wanted to stop him.

   But she couldn't move.

   Voldemort scoffed, "well I must say I'd hoped for better." His goons laughed behind him. He stepped towards Neville, "and who might you be?"

   His eyes flickered back to Elizabeth, "Neville Longbottom."

   Once again they laughed and whooped, Voldemort sneering. "Well, Neville I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks-"

   "I'd like to say something," Neville interrupted.

   Voldemort looked taken aback, "it doesn't matter that Harry's gone."

   "Stand down Neville," Seamus warned.

   "People die every day," Neville turned back to him, "friends. Family. Yeah, we lost Harry tonight, but he's still with us." He held a hand to his heart, "in here."

   He moved his eyes to Elizabeth, "so's Fred and Remus. Tonks. All of them."

   Elizabeth felt her eyes fill.

   "They didn't die in vain!" Neville turned back to Voldemort, "but you will! Cause you're wrong!"

   Voldemort seemed to find this amusing, a wide grin on his face.

   "Harry's heart did beat for us! For all of us!" He pulled the sword of Gryffindor from the hat he was holding, "this is not over!"

   Just then Harry pushed himself from Hagrid, rolling to the ground. Gasps went through the crowd at this.

   Elizabeth grinned, Harry that absolute wanker.

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