twenty three.

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   "This is bloody ridiculous."

   Elizabeth stared up at the wall as yet another plaque with a new rule was nailed onto it. "You're right it's ridiculous!" Fred complained, George nodding. "No Weasley products! Where are we supposed to sell!?"

   Hermione sighed, "why're you two acting like you won't continue selling anyway." Elizabeth nodded, "gig is up." Fred and George both grinned, George placing a kiss on Hermione's head and Fred doing the same to Elizabeth.

   "Wonderful idea ladies!" They sang, running off.

   Hermione wiped her forehead, coming to stand beside Elizabeth. "We should go find Ronald and Harry." Elizabeth nodded, the two girls starting down the hallway. Ginny suddenly appeared in front of them, out of breath. "You've got to come see!"

   They exchanged glances before following her to the courtyards, tons of students already there. They pushed their way to the front, finding Ron and Harry in the process. "What's going on?" Elizabeth whispered, her eyes landing on filch and Professor Trelawney.

   The professor had luggage gathered around her, Filch adding another suitcase to the pile. Umbridge made her way to the center of the courtyard, smiling her fake perky smile. She stopped a few feet from Trelawney, the woman shrinking in front of her.

   "S-Sixteen years I've lived and taught here. Hogwarts is my home." She whimpered, blinking back her tears. "You can't do this."

   Umbridge continued smiling, holding up a paper. "Actually I can."

   McGonagall pushed through the crowd, running to hug the other professor. TreLawney broke down into tears, Umbridge continuing to smile. "Something you'd like to say dear?"

   "Oh there are several things I'd like to say." Professor McGonagall glared at her. Suddenly the doors opened, Dumbledore making his way through the crowd of students. "Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside?"

   The two women began on their way, Umbridge's smile falling as she turned to face the man. "Dumbledore, may I remind you that under the terms of educational decree number twenty three, as enacted by the minister-"

   "You have the right to dismiss my teachers," Dumbledore interrupted. "You do not, however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the headmaster." Umbridge smiled once again.

   "For now."

   Dumbledore spun on his heel, "don't you all have studying to do!" The students quickly began to disperse, Harry pushing from the crowd. "Professor! Professor Dumbledore!" Elizabeth watched as he ran after the man, a frown on her face.

   She needed to write Sirius.

* * *

   "Someone's coming!"

   Elizabeth stuck her head into the common room, Hermione letting out a breath of relief. "Get down here quick! It's Sirius!" Elizabeth quickly hurried over to the fireplace, taking a seat beside Harry on the carpet.

   "Ah hello Lizabeth," the man in the fire smiled. "Keeping our promise?"

   The blonde nodded, "trying my best."

   Harry glanced between the two in confusion, shaking his head. "Anyway, what were you saying?" Sirius nodded, "That Dumbledore is assembling his own forces to take on the ministry. He's becoming more paranoid by the minute."

   Sirius paused, taking a deep breath. "The others wouldn't want me telling you this Harry, but things aren't going at all well at the order. Fudge is blocking the truth at every turn and these disappearances are just how it started before. Voldemort is on the move."

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