forty four.

202 3 1

Things have been in motion since Elizabeth started at Hogwarts. Non-stop things. The death of the wizarding world along with it coming right back to life. So naturally it took no time at all for the order to assemble and confront Snape.

What she didn't expect was that she wouldn't be the least bit frightened.

The doors to the great hall opened, the blonde following her friends inside as Snape stared at them. Harry was already inside, wearing Hogwarts robes, ready to start the next officially wizarding war.

"How dare you stand where he stood. Tell them how it happened that night." His voice raised, "Tell them how you look him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him. Tell them."

Rather than answer Snape pulled out his wand, the students quickly clearing away from the middle of the floor as McGongall pulled Harry back. She pointed her wand at the man, the members of the order raising their wands behind her.

She blasted a spell at him, Snape stepping back as he defended. She blasted spell after spell, not giving the man anytime to defend and forcing him to retreat. Snape disappeared into a black fog of smoke, zooming out through the window.

At this the students erupted into cheers, Elizabeth grinning as she clutched her wand. She looked to Harry, expecting to see the boy celebrating as well; however he was seated on the steps, a dazed look on his face.

The cheering stopped as the sky above the great hall became cloudy. An ear splitting scream rang through the hall, a first year doubling over as she covered her ears. Another scream joined in, Harry frantically making his way through the crowd as Voldemort began to speak.

"I know that many of you will want to fight," he hissed, "some of you may even think that to fight is wise, but this is folly. Give me Harry Potter. Do this and none shall be harmed."

Students began to cover their ears as he whispered the phrase over and over. "Give me Harry Potter, and Hogwarts shall be untouched. Give me Harry potter, you have one hour."

His voice ceased, everyone going silent as they stared at Harry, waiting for someone to make the next move.

Pansy Parkinson was the first to speak up, "what're you waiting for? Someone grab him!"

Ginny quickly went to stand in front of the boy, Hermione joined her as they shielded Harry. Elizabeth tightened her hold on Neville's hand, her wand still drawn.

The two made they're way over to Harry, Dean and Seamus following. Soon enough there was a small crowd surrounding Harry.

"Students out of bed!"

At the faint voice Elizabeth turned over her shoulder to the doorway, her brows furrowed in confusion. "Students out of bed! Students out of bed!" The voice got louder until Filch appeared, carrying Mrs.Norris and running towards the front of the room.

"Students out of bed! Students in the corridor!"

"They are supposed to be out of bed you blithering idiot," McGonagall spat. Filch paused, looking rather startled, "oh."

"As it happens, Mr.Filch your arrival is most opportune," the professor made her way down the steps and over to the Slytherins, "if you could, I would like you to please lead Miss Parkison and the rest of Slytherin house from the hall."

"Exactly where is it I'll be leading them too, mam?"

"The dungeons would do."

The rest of the students began to cheer and applaud, Harry breaking away from the crowd and making his way over to McGonagall, the two whispered a conversation before Harry turned back to his friends.

"Oh and Harry," the woman called out.

Harry turned, McGonagall smiling, "it's good to see you."

He smiled, "it's good to see you too Professor," he turned to Neville, setting a hand on his shoulder. "Hold the fort Neville."

He began away from the hall, Elizabeth squeezing Neville's hand with a sad smile. She quickly planted a kiss on his cheek before setting off to follow Hermione and Ron.

No words needed to be said.

He just needed to stay alive.

* * *

The entire school was in a panic, students running amuck as they tried to locate friends and siblings, either getting ready to battle or finding somewhere safe to hide.

Elizabeth followed Harry up the steps, stopping at a hand on her's. She turned, Ron and Hermione standing together. "Harry!" Ron called, the boy stopping as well.

"Hermione and I have been thinking and doesn't matter if you find a horcrux," Ron explained, causing Harry's brows to furrow in confusion, "what do you mean?"

"Unless we can destroy it!" Hermione pitched in.

"So we were thinking-"

"Ron was thinking, it was completely Ron's idea, brillant actually," Hermione rambled, her face flushed from the chaos.

"You destroyed Tom Riddle's diary with a basilisk fang, right? Well me and Hermione think we know where we might find some," Ron finished.

Harry nodded, "okay, okay take this, that way you can find me when you get back," he handed them a folded piece of paper before rushing off into the chaos again. Hermione followed, "where are you going?"

Harry turned over his shoulder, "Ravenclaw common room! Gotta start somewhere!"

Elizabeth quickly squeezed Hermione's hand, pulling the girl into a hug. "I'm going with Harry, be safe," she flashed a quick look at Ron before running off up the steps after Harry.

"You be safe, too!" Ron called.

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