thirty seven.

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"Merry Christmas! I'll bring you some cookies on my way back!" Elizabeth smiled at the inn keeper, tightening her scarf around her neck. The elder woman smiled, "no need dear, and I'll have your bandages nice and ready for when you come back."

Elizabeth glanced at her limp arm. She still had yet to fix it and it had nearly become unusable. "Thank you, be back soon!" She tightened her hold on her backpack, leaving the warm building.

She made her way out through the snow towards the bakery. It wasn't a far walk, in fact it was right across the street. When she entered the doorbell chimed, the woman who had basically been feeding her this past week, smiling at her. "Elizabeth! I was wondering if you were coming tonight. The usual?"

The blonde grinned, nodding. The woman set off preparing her basket, Elizabeth inhaling the fresh scent as she waited. She had been in Godric's hollow for a week now looking for clues and had yet to find anything aside from Harry's parent's graves.

It turns out being around others was just what she needed and she could see why James and Lily wanted to settle in this quaint little town.

"Here you go honey," the baker slid the basket across the counter.

Elizabeth smiled, "Thank you Mavis." She took the basket, wishing the woman a merry christmas before leaving. On her way down the road she picked up some flowers from Albert's flower cart, adding them to her basket.

She had made a habit of adding flowers to James and Lily's grave, because it was winter she went back to replace them everyday, keeping them nice and fresh.

The blonde smiled as she passed the chapel, strolling into the graveyard. The girl froze upon the sight of two figures in front of James and Lily's grave, her lips pulling into a frown. Who were they? Could they be death eaters?

She took another step forward, the taller figure turning at the sound of her footsteps. The woman beside him turned as well, both looking at the blonde in shock. Elizabeth dropped her basket, her mouth agape. "Mione? Harry?"

Hermione rushed towards the girl, engulfing her in a hug. "Oh my gosh! Elizabeth, I've been so worried about you!" She squeezed the girl, Elizabeth feeling tears push forward in her eyes. Harry ran over to the two, Hermione letting him hug the girl as well.

Elizabeth took a moment to just stare at her friends.

They were okay.

"Where have you been? Where's Ron?" Hermione asked, picking up the basket the girl had been holding. Elizabeth didn't answer, Hermione frowning. She quickly recovered her smile, "We're glad you're okay."

Harry nodded, kissing the girl's forehead. "Hermione was so sure you'd gotten splinched. What're you doing here anyway?" Elizabeth couldn't keep up with all the questions, "I'll tell you everything, I'm just glad I found you."

Harry glanced at the flowers in her basket, "are those..."

Elizabeth nodded, "I've been coming here everyday for a while." She made her way past her friends, setting the flowers at the foot of the grave. She set a scone down as well, standing after a moment. Harry smiled, "thank you. And Merry Christmas Liz."

The blonde smiled, "Merry Christmas."

Hermione frowned, "I don't want our reunion to end but there's someone watching us, by the church." Harry turned his head slightly, glancing at the older woman. "I think I know who that is," his eyes widened.

The woman turned, leaving the graveyard. Harry nodded, "let's go." They followed her down the street, Elizabeth trailing slightly behind with Hermione. They stopped outside the ruins of a house, Elizabeth recognized them.

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