*Green-Eyed Boy's POV*
She looked up and looked into my eyes. She looked so pale. She looked scared. "Would you like some water?" I asked sympathetically. "Y-yes please"Her voice was so hoarse,she barely could even talk. I went into my kitchen and poured a full glass of water for her. When I got back,she was gone. I dropped the glass which had shattered and went looking for her. I searched my bathroom,and saw that the light was on. Whew,I thought. I quickly picked up the broken glass when she walked into the living room. "Uh... Sorry. I saw that you weren't here,so I got frightened." "Oh. Its okay." I went back and threw away the broken glass and poured another glass of water and gave it to her. "Thanks." she took it and chugged the whole glass. Damn, I thought. "Haha. you must be pretty thirsty,huh? Want anything to eat too?" "Yeah,I am. But wait. How did you find me? Why did you save me? Who are you? Where am I? " "Uh. I saw guys take you to a van and thought 'Oh shit. Rape! I have to save her!' But I guess I was to late. I'm sorry. And I'm Harry,and you're at my place. Does that answer your questions? " I half smiled. "Yes. And. Harry... as in Harry Styles? Woah." "Haha. Yes" Oh no. another fan...
*Norah's POV*
Wow. A pop-star saved me. Well,not technically. I still got raped. But,I don't want to look at him as a pop-star. He's a normal person too. Like the rest of us.
"Oh.You're probably thinking 'Oh no. Another fan. ohhh" But,I'm not like that. I don't even listen to that kind of music,except when Kylie is around. "Haha. Kinda. " "Well,you're wrong. I like alternative. And wait... So...you know Niall..." "You know Niall? What? How? Wait... I remember you! You had the lucky ticket. You and your friend got VIP Tickets and we met you. I remember." I totally forgot that I went to their concert. Oh my.I guess getting rapped a lot and beaten messes up your memory. Why did I have to get rapped by him and 5 others? Why me? I'm a good person. I never done anything bad... Well,that's a lie cause everyone does something wrong in their lives. I was caught off by a voice "Hello?" "Sorry... I was thinking... Okay. What did you say? " "I asked if you wanted to eat." "Oh yeah. Sure. Thanks. And thanks for saving me." "No problem. So... What do you wanna eat? You want Chinese,Italian,American Food,like McDonald's,Taco Bell..." "Ew. McDonald's. May I have Chinese please? " "Sure."
*Niall's POV*
I drove by Norah's house to see if she was there. I got out of my car and headed for her door. I knocked a rhythm. A guy answered. "Hello. Uh. Is Norah here?" I asked nervously. "No. What do you want? How do you know her? How do you even know where she lives?" This guy must be her dad. "I'm Niall,Norah's friend. I was just wondering if we could hang out. Just friends." " WELL! SHE ISN'T HERE! SO GO AWAY AND NEVER COME BACK! YOU HEAR ME?!" "Y-yes sir." And with that, I ran like there's no tomorrow.
I have tried calling Norah for the past 5 minutes. Ugh. Why isn't she answering? I thought. She always answer my calls though,until I turned on the radio and heard something about one of us... About Harry... "Harry Styles saving a teen-aged girl in a van that got raped..." Right that second,I called Harry. "Hey Haz. I heard you on the radio!" "What? Where? What?" "Harry,you're on the radio. They said that you saved a girl from rape..." There was a long pause before I spoke again " Is she another fan?" "Uh.No.You can come over if you like?" "Sure.Thanks.See you in a bit!" "Okay bro!" I hanged up and headed to Harry's flat.
Knock! Knock! I knocked for the second time today. I hope I won't get told to get out and never come back. Harry answered and enveloped me in a a bro-hug. I stepped inside and saw a beautiful girl that I have been waiting all day to talk and hug with. She was the one that got raped. Why wasn't I there to save her? I wish I could've had waited more. Maybe then,only then,I could have saved her. My princess... At least,that's what I want her to be.
Hey guise! So... she got rapped,huh? Do you guys think Norah is gonna go back to her step-dad? Or is she gonna stay with Niall? The world may never know... Lol! Well,anyways.. yeah. So,Sorry if this sucked. I kinda had a writer's block lately. So,yeah. Comment? Please? Give us Feed-back? Tell other Directioners to read our FanFic,or just other people? WE LOVE YOU! And awe... Look at Harry... And them lips... uff.

One Choice~ A Niall Horan Fan Fiction
FanfictionNorah is a regular teenager. She may seem her life's perfect,right? WRONG. She has to make big decisions. Whether to take the right road or suffer from where she is now. Niall Horan entered her life... Will everything change? Will there be drama? Fi...