HELLO MY LOVELIES! Are you enjoying the fanfic? ITS GETTING QUITE INTENSE RIGHT? I hope that you are loving all this drama as much as I am! for all of you who have been dying for a romantic scene between Niall and Norah here it comes! I hope you are ready for it coz theres gonna be a lot more drama! I looooooovvvvveee you guys!!!! dont forget to COMMENT to tell us what do you think about the chapters and all! Have fun reading it!!!!
- Daffie! xoxox
I saw those two eyes that i've been afraid of seeing for a long time, at least what it seemed to be. I did'nt want to look up, I didn't want him to see me like this. Like the weak human being that I was now. He knew everything now, what I've been through, what I am afraid of, what's been happening for a long time, he knew all of it.
- Don't look at me- I begged him - I don't want you to see me like this - I looked at the floor where he was standing.
- I'm not going anywhere, you shouldn't be embarrassed, you didn't ask for any of this.- he stepped a little bit closer to me, but i stepped away.- And i've never felt so bad in my entire life, I wasn't there to take care of you, I should have been there, maybe I could have saved you, maybe i would have been able to stop it, to stop him! - a tear fell down his cheek he wiped it with his sleeve trying to look tough. - It feels like I didn't do anything to stop it, it makes me feel guilty, like I was part of it, and that hurts so much, it feels like I hurt you. And I don't want you to be hurt or sad or mad, I wish I could turn back time to kill the mother fuckers that did this to you! - Tears started to fall Even faster, he wasn't afraid to cry in front of me, he is actually worried about me, but i turned to face the wall and sat on the floor, I couldn't take this anymore, but he continued talking.- When I found out that the girl who had been raped was you, I wanted to die.
I kept staring into the wall, now crying, drowning in my own tears, i've always been a strong girl, I didn't cry very often. It probably was because I cried so much as a child that I thought I didn't have any tears left. I remember falling asleep after crying hours and hours after being beaten up by my step-father, when I was a kid he didn't rape, that started when my mom fell into her coma. But now I was crying not because I was scared, but because he was scared for me.
- Nor. - He said my name sweetly sitting next to me, he was taking things slow, he didn't want to rush me into anything.- I don't want to leave your side, I don't want to do that ever.
He turned my head so that he could see me in the eyes. those two blue oceans, so calm, so beautiful. I once heard someone say that eyes are the windows to our souls, that person clearly saw Niall's eyes, his eyes are so pure and innocent, so caring and loving.
- Nor, i think I might. - he stopped talking suddenly, like he was afraid of his reaction, but I knew what he wanted to say, it was crystal clear to me.- I think i might be in love with you.
I looked back at the floor, his face going pale, he looked down to the floor too. Seeing my reaction wasn't the expected, his face went paler, his eyes looking grey, sad eyes.I didn't feel like talking, I haven't said a single word for many days, since the day Harry had saved me, Niall had been by my side all those days, we haven't showered in days less changed our clothes, I've been staring at the same wall for many days and he had given me a lot of time to think in silence, he respected it and understood me, he knew I needed time to recover and to calm myself down.
- I think I love you too.- It came as a whisper from the back of my throat, but it seemed like Niall heard it and it made his face light up, he looked back at me, and I felt myself smile, something I haven't done in a while. I crawled into his lap, and rested my head on his arm, I felt myself drifting to sleep slowly.- Thank you.- I whispered slowly.- for loving me.- I fell asleep almost instantly.
She was thanking me for loving her, I don't think anything could make me cry more than the past events. She has never been loved before, at least not for a long time. And she loved me back I couldn't be happier or sadder. Knowing what that monster did to her, how can you sell someone to be raped, after being raped by you, what kind of monster would do that, and then running away?
At least the cops where looking for him, and then hes going to go to jail. But I don't want to tell Norah that he ran away, I don't want to give her any more reasons to worry, she's still in shock.
Right now what she needs is to rest, and i need to be by her side, she needs me, and I need her. What she doesn't know is that I have the same story that she does. I don't want her to know, I need to keep it a secret, I thought that when I met her everything was going to get better, but now the story is repeating again! I don't want her to suffer the way I did! I want her to be safe! I need her to be happy! It's killing me inside to see her like this.
I just want to hold her in my arms and tell her that its gonna be alright, and that i'm never going to make her cry, she doesn't have to suffer anymore, I'm going to keep her safe.
- I love you, so much. - I held her tighter.- and I always will.
I felt myself drifting off to sleep. With Nor in my arms, my eyes closing, finally I was able to rest.
For a moment the world was calm, my world was calm, I was finally able to breath again.

One Choice~ A Niall Horan Fan Fiction
FanfictionNorah is a regular teenager. She may seem her life's perfect,right? WRONG. She has to make big decisions. Whether to take the right road or suffer from where she is now. Niall Horan entered her life... Will everything change? Will there be drama? Fi...