Chapter 13: Babies,Confessions,And Zoos Make An "AWESOME" Day

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*Norah's POV*

"Nor" He looked back at the test and started crying. "It says..... that... we....."

Oh God, no. No no no no no. This can't be happening. I broke down in tears and held my face in my hands not knowing what to do,except cry. I mean, I love Harry,but I'm just not ready to have a child. I still haven't done what I wanted to do while I'm a teen. I haven't even went Sky Diving yet. I didn't even know he didn't use protection.Maybe that's why it felt different.Anyways,now that I know I'm pregnant, I'm freaking out. I don't even know how to tell my parents this... Wait... Never mind. Scratch that. Anyways, I won't be able to handle all of this. This is just so sudden. And I hope I won't handle this all by myself. 

"Love,Everything's going to be all right. I promise." He took my hands off of my face and looked into my eyes. His eyes were full of trust. I believed him. He made a promise,and he has to keep that promise. He held me in his arms on the floor,while I continued to cry silently.

"Shh,Love. Go to sleep." He said,rocking me back and forth. My heart beat slowed down and went back to normal and I slept quietly through the rest of the night that was left.

The next morning, I went to the restroom to wash my face until I got that feeling in my stomach again. Oh... This just keeps getting fun,eh? I threw up all what was left in my stomach. After I was done, I brushed my teeth and washed my face again and walked to the door. Harry was still asleep,so I just left him to sleep. He looks like an angel. An innocent angel, who doesn't want to be disturbed. I closed the door and walked out to the smell of food. Breakfast. Liam was cooking! Daddy Direction always cooks for us. Just one of the qualities to love Liam. I walked and bumped into someone which caused us both to fall to the ground.

*Next Morning~ Niall's POV*

I heard sobs last night and wondered what it was. I just left it alone cause probably Harry took care of Norah. Why couldn't that be me? I nudged that thought away and made my way to the kitchen where Liam was making breakfast. Ah. I love it when he cooks breakfast. Heck,I love everyone's cooking! Just kidding. Some food are horrible. While I was walking from mine and Liam's bedroom, I bumped into a person. "Oh. Sorry,man. I didn't see you." When I got to help whoever I bumped into, I saw it was Norah. I immediately stopped and helped her. "Sorry Nor. I didn't see you" I laughed nervously. "It's okay,Ni. I didn't either. Haha Liam's cooking DOES distract you,right? " Ah. Her laugh. It's so calming. We walked together to the kitchen where Liam was at and we both got behind him,and scared him.

"AH!" He yelled which probably woke up everyone else. He was making scrambled eggs. Well,not anymore since they dropped on the ground."FIVE SECOND RULE!" I yelled. I was about to pick up the eggs until Liam slapped my hand. "Ni! Those are dirty! I'll make you some more. Just. Just don't eat that. Matter a fact, can you pick that up and throw it away,please?" I heard Norah snicker. I turned to her and smirked. I started laughing also while I was picking up the eggs. Oh Liam. We gotta love you.

After about ten minutes,Harry walked in with no pants on. "Ah! HARRY! PUT ON SOME PANTS!" I heard Nor say while in the process of covering her eyes. "Awh come on. It's not like you haven't seen me in my underwear before" He winked and went back to the room to put on some pants and a white t-shirt on. I saw Norah blush when Harry went to go change. I looked away when she looked at me. Damn. She caught me. I decided to go wake up the others to get away from this awkwardness between the three of us. Or at least the two of us. I went to Lou and Zayn's room. I knocked then got annoyed cause no one didn't want to open the door. I tried opening it,but it was locked. Who locks their door? What if there was a fire. Oh, they would just panic and wouldn't be able to open the door. But, stop thinking negative. I went back to the kitchen and asked Norah for a BobbyClip. She gladly gave me one from her hair and I took it from her,thanking her. I then went back to the boys' room and sticked the BobbyClip in and started twisting and turning it. I tried opening the door and it opened. I put my hands up in the air for accomplishing that task. I then saw Louis holding the door knob inside the room. I then put my hands down in disappointment. "Ni. What are you doing?" "I was trying to open the door,but it was locked so I decided to open it with a BobbyClip,but failed." Lou just stood there looking at me. I looked at him back. He didn't have any expression. Like, he wasn't amused at my attempt to open the door. "Wow...Hey, I'm hungry. Let's go eat. " He pulled me to the kitchen. "But what about Zayn?" Zayn always wakes up at around noon. He always sleeps till that time. He says he needs his 'beauty sleep'. I honestly,don't think he needs 'beauty sleep'. "Eh. You know him. Mhmm. Is Liam cooking? Of course he is. He's the only one that knows how to cook.Now,lets go."

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