The day had arrived, we got in the car that they sent for us, I was feeling a little dizzy all day, maybe it was because Kylie had been jumping around my house all day, but she was so happy, she hadn't been so happy for a while, so i was Ok with her behaving like this. We sat inside and Kylie turned on the radio and started listening to a song by One Direction of course, the song was so beautiful, i wasnt going to admit it to her though, i was alright enjoying it on my own, the song talked about all the things that im self consious about, but somehow it made me feel a little better, the song was amazing.
When we finally arrived there were at least 4 thousand screaming girls outside the arena waiting to get in, but since we had won the tickets we had a special door to get in the arena, without lines and all that stuff, but for every second that went by i felt worse, my head, my stomach everything seemed to be shaking, when we got in the arena they took us to a special room,I turned to see Kylie screaming and jumping when he saw a guy, an old guy, that was clearly not a One Direction member, he looked like a bodyguard, or something like that.
- OMG! OMFG! Norah! Norah! its Paul! OMG its Paul!!!!!!!! - Kylie yelled, taking my hand and shaking it up and down- We HAVE to get a picture!!!! - Kylie walked, well ran to Paul - Paul! OMG! can we get a picture with you, i cant believe im even talking to you! this is insane!
After we took a picture with Paul we kept walking to the little room where we would wait for someone to take us to our sits, the room was small but nice, there was a purple couch with a nice coffee table full of cookies, soda and a note, a note written from One Direction.
" Hi girls! congratulations for winning! Enjoy the show we will see you guys in a bit! "
love, Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn .X
Kylie was shaking she didnt move, i was scared she wasnt breathing, only for a second, because then it was, the jumping, screaming, and running around, again. We sat there for a while, well I sitted there for a while because apparently Ky was too excited to sit, or talk, or doing any other thing besides yelling.
Finally a guy came on and took us to our sits in the front row, you could see everything perfectly, ive never been in the front row before, im usually in the back, which tickets are affordable with my baby sitting paycheck.
I was feeling so bad, i could barely stand up, i felt so dizzy, then the music started, the lights went off, the crowd started cheering, Kylie started crying, the boys started singing, and then i saw him, the blonde guy ive been secretly crushingon for a while, he was even hotter in person, he had that beauty that was so special, the one that makes you smile only because hes just beautiful, theres no other way to describe him. They started singing and for a while i forgot about how sick i felt, and tried to have a good time, they started to sing the song i had listened to in the car, the blonde boy started to look around the crowd and suddenly stopped, I looked up to the stage, and there it was, he was looking at someone, but that someone was me, i did a sign asking him if he was looking at me, and when i did he smiled and then looked down and blushed, i smiled back and then everything started going blurry, this had happenned to me plenty of times, i remembered this feeling, it couldnt be happenning right now, i saw the blonde guy staring at me once again, then i heard Kylie saying my name and shaking me, then everything turned black.
I woke up in the same room i was before the show, I opened my eyes and i saw blue eyes looking into mines, i recognized him, it was him.
- Are you alright? - said the blonde guy with the irish accent while he took a water bottle from the coffee table and gave it to me.
- Yeah, im fine, just a little dizzy. - i said trying to get up from the couch.
- Dont get up too quick, you should stay there a couple of more minutes, and dont worry your friend is fine, shes meeting the lads, she wanted to take care of you, but when the others got here she asked paul to take care of you and he said he had to take care of the lads, because you know how fans are, so i offered to take care of you, and besides I wanted to meet you - he said sitting closer to me.
Was i dreaming, im pretty sure i was still asleep, this was something crazy, there must be more than 5 million girls that dream about this, i was just a normal girl, i didnt think i was beautiful, but i didnt feel ugly either, but this guy, this moment, it couldnt be real, it just cant be. the thing is that it was...
- Im Norah - i said smiling, i felt the blood go up to my face, blushing like crazy.
- Im Nial - he said putting his hand closer to mine, close enough to feel the heat of his hands, but far enough not to touch. - funny how both our names start with "N" - he said laughing softly.
- I was wondering if maybe you'd like to hang with me, i mean with us, i mean me, Zayn, Louis, Liam and Harry. - He said nervouisly, he was smiling, waiting for my answer.
- I'd love to- I smiled back, he knew i liked him, and he knew i knew he was flirting with me, he liked it, he liked me, at least he liked the first impression of me.
- I'll pick you up at 8, or do you want to go there drivving yourself, or i can send you a car - he was nervious, anyone seeing this would see he's nervious.
- It'd be nice if you'd pick me up, my car is broken, my friend Kylie is not the best driver - i started laughing, i was scared to look at him, i knew he was looking at me, my eyes, it made me blush even more.
- You should get some sleep, I have to go they are going to interview the band for a magazine so im going to send Kylie back for you, and a car is waiting at the end of the hall for you, i will see you tomorrow - he smiled again, he has a great smile, it makes me smile every time i see it.
Was i crushing on him? i mean, am i really crushing for this superstar that probably doesnt like me at all, he could have any super model that he wants and hes asking me out, he probably only wants to be my friend, i heard he likes demi lovato and that they skype a lot, he probably likes her, he cant like me.
All the ride back to my house was so quiet which was weird, i was expecting Kylie to be even louder than before, but she was so calm, she was to calm, and that was weitrrd, she probably was in shock, it had been a pretty crazy day, im sure she would be herself again tomorrow, we stopped at my house first.
I went upstairs to my room, it was late, i was tired, I putted my PJs on, got in my bed and fell asleep.
I spent all day writing music, nobody but my mom knew about it, and since the accident, no one knows about it.
" Nothing matters anymore
I cant believe you think all those things
I think you are perfect in every single way
Thats possible to say. "
No you wont change my ming
I think I love you way to much
I think I love you enough
to say.... "
I couldnt find the words to finish it, they just werent in my mind, ive never loved someone before, how can i finish it without knowing what it feels like, i guess i just need to imagine what it feels like.
It was 18.30 so i started getting ready, i chose a nice pink dress and flats, i curled my hair and putted some mascara and lipgloss, when i looked at the clock it was 19.50, and i was finally ready.
I heard a knock on the door, i opened it and a pair of blue eyes peered into mine, i smiled, just seeing him there made me smile.
Who knows, maybe i would finish that song soon....
Hey guys!! so this chapter is quite longer, and if you thought this chapter was romantic... its just the beginning!!! its gonna be really awesome from now on!
dont forget to comment and let us know what you think! it would be really amazing if you did!
so thank you guys for reading this!!!
- Daffie <3

One Choice~ A Niall Horan Fan Fiction
FanficNorah is a regular teenager. She may seem her life's perfect,right? WRONG. She has to make big decisions. Whether to take the right road or suffer from where she is now. Niall Horan entered her life... Will everything change? Will there be drama? Fi...