Chapter 9 (November 2nd)

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Buckle up for SOKEEFE

We reapear on the edge of cliff. Waves crash loudly beneath us. I immediately recognise the cabinet that holds the whirlpools. We're at the entrance to Atlantis.

"Seriously Keefe?" I yell over the waves. "I could've just teleported us straight to Atlantis!"

"Where's the fun in that?" He shouts back and grabs a bottle from the cabinet. Throwing it in the water, a whirlpool quickly forms. "Ladies first!" I roll my eyes and jump. Landing on the sponge, I move so Keefe doesn't land on me.

"So where are we going?" I ask as he grabs my hand.

"You'll see."

"I hate surprises." I grumble and he chuckles. I look around and realize he is pulling me towards town square. My breathing increases as I panic at the amount of people in the square. People's voices ring in my head. Go away moonlark! Nobody wants you here! You killed my kids! Danger follows you! Go away! "K-keefe, c-can we g-go?" I stutter turning around, attempting to run from the people, the stares, the whispers.

"Soph, they can't see us." Keefe whispers and holds up a black ball.

"An obscurer?" I ask and he nods. I relax and sigh. We continue walking.

He leads me to an empty fancy restaurant. "Keefe they look closed."

"They are." He whispers as he opens the door. "To everyone else." I gasp as the lights twinkle on. There's a single table in the middle of the large room. Soft quiet music flows through the air, though I can't pinpoint where it's coming from.

The whole place screams wealth. I'm going to end up breaking one of the dishes or something. "Keefe," I breath as I walk towards the table. "This is beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it." He pulls a chair away from the table and motions for me to sit. I blush. When we are seated, an elf comes out of the door on the far side and offers us beverages.

I thank her and pick up the menu. "Keefe, I'll need you to order for me. I can't read the menu." He blinks at me and burst out laughing. I blush and huff, crossing my arms.

"H-how long have y-you lived in the Lost Cities? A-and you still c-can't r-read ruin?" He laughs.

"Well, I have no reason to learn! They aren't used very often!"

"W-well clearly they're being used here!" He giggles and I glare at him.

"Plus, even if I could read it, I don't know what any of it tastes like." I mutter.

"I need to talk to Edaline about teaching you foods and thier names." Keefe shakes his head before looking back at the menu. "I'll just get us a platter to share. It has a little of everything. Then we can figure out what you like."

"Sounds good." I nod and Keefe puts in our order. The elf takes our menus.

The song changes to a soft sweet slow dance. I take a sip of my water as I watch Keefe get up and walk over to me. "Would you care to dance?" He asks, offering me his hand. I smile and take his hand.

I wrap my hands around his neck and he puts his hands on my waist. We sway gently to the beat. I set my head on his chest, enjoying the feeling of Keefe holding me. Listening to his heartbeat, I feel safe, calm, and loved.

I feel him plant a soft kiss on my hair. I pull back slightly to look him in his beautiful icy eyes and he kisses my forehead. He tightens his arms around me. I bite my lip, asking a silent question. He nods and I raise up on my toes to kiss him.

I start out soft, unsure, but Keefe takes control of the kiss. He runs his tounge across my lips and I open my mouth to allow him to deepen the kiss. As our tounges dance, everything else fades away. I barely feel his hand on my cheek and waist. I don't hear the music. I'm so lost in the kiss, so lost in the love and happiness. Keefe slows his movements and pulls back.

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