Chapter 14(February 9th)

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The entire room dissolves into pure chaos and I just stand there numb, watching. My breathing is shallow as panic sets in. This will hit them all hard, and I have to watch. I have to watch them break because of me.

Lihn instantly starts crying, turning to hide her face in Wylie's chest. Tam stares at his sister, who turned to Wylie for consultation instead of him. There's a look of pure sadness in his eyes. Fitz looks at Tam and bites his lip, clearly contemplating something. A second later, Fitz reaches out and takes Tam's hand. Tam whips around to face Fitz, eyes wide in surprise. Fitz smiles softly at him. Tam blushes and looks away.  He squeezes Fitz's hand but doesn't let go.

Across the room, Biana and Dex sit on the couch. Dex is seconds away from a panic attack.  He's overwhelmed at the idea of them being back. He's literally living his nightmare. I'm glad he has Biana to support him. Otherwise, he would work himself to exhaustion to try to protect everyone, especially the talentless. Biana holds both his hands, forcing Dex to go through breathing exercises with her in an attempt to calm him down.

Marella's face instantly contorts in pure fury. She clenches her fists tightly and stalks out of the room.

"You idiots are not equipped to run this world." Stina says, glaring intensely at the Councilors before stalking out of the room. A couple of them look angry at her truthful words, but most of them just look guilty. Good. I think to myself. They deserve to be guilty. My anger and fear swirls in my mind as panic sucks me down. The Councilors did this. They didn't protect us. Now, they're back. And they're gonna come for me. Oh God, they're gonna come for my babies.  

"Breathe, Soph." Keefe whispers in my ear, and I force myself to take a deep breath despite the tightness in my throat. My chest stings and I absentmindedly wonder how long I had been holding my breath. Closing my eyes, I focus on my breathing and open up my enhancing. Keefe sends a small blue wave which clears my mind. Once I'm thinking clearly, I turn to the Councilors.

"How?" I ask sharply. "How the fuck did the most dangerous criminals in this world escape your prison!" Keefe squeezes my hand again telling me to calm down. I take a deep breath to regain my composure.

"They had help." Councilor Emery says as he looks down at me.

"THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BE WELL GAURDED!" Fitz breaks before I can say anything. I smirk and side eye Fitz. He smirks back so I know we're on the same page.


"WE ALMOST DIED!" Fitz adds.

"WE RISKED OUR LIVES WHILE YOU SAT ON YOUR ENTILTLED ASSES!" I smile softly as Keefe shakes with silent laughter. 

"When I said breathe, I didn't mean scream at the Councilors." Keefe whispers in my ear. I roll my eyes but don't retort. 

"WE DID EVERYTHING WE COULD TO STOP THEM!" Emery yells. Keefe and Tam get angry at that.


"YOU DIDN'T STOP THEM FROM KILLING HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE IN ALANTIS!" Keefe adds. I grimace at the pang of guilt from that. I could have stopped it. I could have saved them. Stop it, Sophie. I think to myself. You weren't even there. Keefe was there. You know he's guilty about it. God, I must be crazy. I'm talking to myself. 

"EVERYBODY SHUT UP!" Dex yells as he stands up from the couch. The room goes silent, and all eyes turn to Dex.

"Fighting now will not change the fact that they're out." Biana states as she stands and takes his hand. "We have to work together to stop this."

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