Chapter 10 (December 25th)

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I watch my human family die over and over. Everytime its a different car, a different Neverseen member driving. One member held me, tied and gagged just like them, as they lay my family across the road. A few times it was even a train that ran them over.

Then, I see the bodies, mangled and bloody. The Neverseen member holds me over them, so I have a clear view of thier empty eyes. I scream as he taunts me with words I can't hear for all I can think is it should have been me.

Vespra, Fintan, and Gisela appear before me.

"You're not safe. You're never safe. We will find you. We will escape." The say in unison. Thier black eyes staring deep into my soul.

Sitting straight in my bed, I scream, panincing at my tangled blankets. I dont calm down until I free my hands and feet. I jump out of bed as Sandor, Edaline, and Grady rush through the door. Sandor holds goblin throwing stars. Edaline and Grady look tired and worn-out. I know I woke them up.

"I-It was just a nightmare." Sandor nods, sniffing the air before walking out to station himself by my door. Edaline walks over and sits on the edge of mt bed.

"Honey, are you okay?" She asks, sympathy clear in her voice. "Do you want to talk about it?" I shake my head no and Edaline nods. She stands and walks over to Grady who stands halfway between the door and my bed.

"Are you gonna be okay alone?" She asks.

"Yes, you guys go back to bed." I reassure them, standing to shoo them out of my room. Grady smiles at me and they leave the room. I rub wrists. They tingle with the fantom pain of being tied tightly. I can almost taste the gag the Neverseeen tied to my mouth in the dream.

I rush to the bathroom and scrub my teeth before stripping off my sweaty clothes. I climb in the shower, letting the soft streams of water wash my pain, and guilt away.

Usually this works well, but today the grief doesn't leave. They died today three years ago. They died because of me.

I think back to every Christmas I spent with them. We used to go to Colarado and stay in a resort. We spent the whole holiday skiing and sledding. I remember the one year Amy and I made a complete igloo.

Tears prick my eyes and I don't even try to stop them. They deserve my tears. The torture I put them through was terrible.

Soon, I'm sobbing uncontrollably. I lean against the wall and slide down it. Eventually, I cry myself dry. I sniffle and stand, finally washing my hair and body.

When I get out out of the shower and get dressed, I realize I missed a call from Keefe. I take a deep calming breath and plaster on a fake smile. He picks up quickly when I answer.

"Sorry, I was in the shower when you called." I tell him. He takes one look at me and his face morphs into unease.

"Foster what the hell happened?"

"W-what do you mean?" I stutter, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Love, don't lie to me." If I wasn't so far deep into my depression, I would've smiled at the Nickname. He started calling me it a few weeks ago.

"Fine, I just had a bad dream." I mutter.

"About them?" He asks.


"Why don't you come over to Dunehaven around noon, and I'll cheer you up." He says and I want to say no, but I stop myself. Maybe it'll help. It's 7:00. I have five hours to reset myself.

"Sure." I say and Keefe breaks into a grin.

"Awesome." For the first time this morning, I smile and it's all because of Keefe.

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