Chapter 12 (February 9th)

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When I woke up, my stomach instantly lurches. I groan covering my face with my hands. I feel awful. I have no idea how long I lay on my bed. Its a Friday but I'm in no mood to go to school.

The sun comes through my window and I clap my hand's, darkening the blinds to block out all light. I turn onto my side and attempt to go back to sleep.

  I'm surprised nobody's come in to check on me. I Think to myself as I close my eyes. Grady and Edaline must be out of the house, and Sandor won't check on me unless it's life-threatening. I sigh softly, happy that I won't be deturbed,  and start to doze.

I jerk slightly when my imparter begins  ringing on my desk. I lift my head and instantly a wave of nausea hits me. I gag.  Slowly, I make my way over to the desk. Resting mu elbows on it, I take a deep breath, hoping that my stomach would stop swirling.

I answer the call and Keefe's gorgeous face pops into the screen, but no butterflies visit my squeamish stomach. I barely even look at him, squeazing my eyes closed instead to block out the bright light which stings my eyes.

"He-woah Foster. You look like hell." I open one eye to glare at him. When I seen my picture in the corner of the imparter, I know he isn't lying. I have large bags under my eyes and my face looks a little green.

I open my mouth and instantly feel like something is going to come up. My throat burns. "Ifeellikeittoo." I say quickly and closing my mouth.

"Huh?" He asks. I swallow thickly. It feels like I have something stuck in my throat. I'm beginning to feel worse. "Um never mind. Do you want me to come over?" I shake my head no. I gag and this time I know I can't hold it down. I drop the Imparter and run to the bathroom, leaning over the toilet.

I think Keefe says, 'yep I'm coming over.' But I’m not sure because last night's dinner is making a reappearance.

Im still leaned over the toilet, when Keefe comes in. He sits down behind me, resching for my hair snd pulling ut out of my face. His other hand rub small circles on my back. 

I dry heave once or twice, bringing nothing else up. Eventually, I lean back on my heels, flushing the toilet. Keefe stands and fills a cup on the counter with water from my sink. I gratefully take it, quickly swishing it through my mouth to wash the disgusting taste out of my mouth.

My whole body is still shaking slightly. I groan softly, wrapping my arms around myself.

"Sophie." Keefe whispers from where he is leaned against my shower.  "You have puke in your hair." I giggle softly and he smiles. "Oh, Foster only you could think it was funny to have puke in your hair." I groan.

"I need a shower." I announce and began removing my clothes. Keefe blushed and turns around.

"I'll just wait in your room."

I raise my eyebrow. I had been anticipating him wanting to shower with me. It warms my heart that he's thinking about how I feel, both physically and mentally. Right now I have absolutely no want to start anything sexual. I still feel like shit.

My legs are still wobbly, so I just sit in the stream of steaming water. Eventually, I wash my hair and body before getting out of the shower. I grab my fluffy towel and dry off quickly. I wrap the towel around me tightly and walk into my room.

Keefe is stretched out on his front onnmy bed, drawing in one of my school notebooks. He looks up when I walk in.

"Feeling better?" He asks softly.

"Yeah, a lot actually." I answer as I step into my closet. I start rummaging in my drawer for a comfortable pair of panties and a sports bra.

"Why do you think you got sick?" He wonders aloud as I start pulling on my underwhere, careful to keep the towel covering everything. I'm not sure why I'm self conscious right now. It's not like he's never seen me naked.

"It's not what I ate because we eat it all the time." I say as I drop the towel and pull on my sports bra, still facing away from Keefe.

"Hm, what could it be-" At this point I spin around.

"I don't know, Keefe!" I yell tears jumping to my eyes.

"Um Sophie, " Keefe starts. His voice is tense and worried which sends me panicking. "When was your last period?"

"Um I don't know..." I fall silent, trying to remember exactly when it was. I'm on an elvin birth control which makes my period irregular. My eyes widen when I realize why he asked. "You think I'm pregnant?" I screech, instantly going into freak-out mode. Keefe is by my side in a second.

"You are." He whispers. "Look at your belly button." I look down to see that it has popped out exactly the way it was described when I got "The Talk".

"But we had sex like six weeks ago!" I sob, tears finally running down my cheeks. "Isn't it supposed to happen during conception?"

"It is." Keefe says, frowning. "We should go to Elwin and find out what happened." I sigh softly, hating the idea, but I know he's right.

"Okay." I mumble and turn around, grabbing a shirt and some leggings. Silently, I pull them on before walking to the bathroom and comb out my hair. After I put it in a Dutch braid, I walk back out of the bathroom and grab my shoes.

Keefe and I walk up to the Leapmaster, and Sandor joins us before we call out "Foxfire". The light takes us away and we quickly reappear at Foxfire. The halls are empty as class is still in session. Holding hands, we walk to the Healing Center with Sandor behind us.

"Hey Elwin." I mutter when we walk in.

"Sophie!" He exclaims. "I wasn't expecting to see you today!"

"Should have." Keefe smirks. "She's clumsy enough to be here every day." I glare at Keefe, crossing my arms.

"Well, what's wrong?" Elwin asked. "What mirical do you need preformed today?" I stay silent and my cheeks redden at the thought of telling Elwin Keefe knocked me up.

"She's pregnant." Keefe blurts after a moment. Elwin has a look of shock on his face. He briefly looks between the two of us as he silently wonders where the cocky boy and self conscious girl went.

"And you're the father?" Elwin asks slowly. Keefe only nods. "Well congratulations!" Elwin smiles. "I'm guessing this was an accident, but it's still a happy moment. If you'll get on a cot, I'll just check you out, Sophie." I quickly climb on a cot and lay back. "Is there anything else I should know?" Elwin asks.

"The baby should have been conceived six weeks ago but I could only tell today." I inform him and Elwin frowns.

"Huh, that's wierd." Elwin says before clapping his hand. "Well, I'll take a look." Elwin flashes a purple light above my stomach and instantly freezes.

"S-sophie, you're pregnant with triplets."

1233 words


what did everyone think of the chapter?

I'm sorry it took so long. For some reason, it was really really hard to write. I'm hoping to have the next chapter out by mid March, but I make no promises!

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