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I woke up in a cold sweat as I frantically looked around the room for the kids only for them to be asleep. I sighed in relief as I stood up from the hard ground towards the bathroom.

"Goddamit." I muttered as I looked at myself through the cracked mirror. The door to the bathroom opened as I looked back to find Dee yawning.

"You need something Dee?" I asked.

"Hmmm, you came home late last night." 

I remembered before getting home Daniel and I got sidetracked as we played at the playground. I smiled at the memory, he remined me of short Daniel. "I was with a friend." I said as I grabbed my toothbrush. 

"A friend? You never hang out with people." Dee looked at me suspiciously as he came closer to me. "Who is this friend?" He asked as he leaned against the wall where the mirror was faced as he crossed his arms together.

"My, why so many questions. His name is Daniel." I said. 

"Daniel? That short one from back where you used to live?"

"No, this Daniel is someone who goes to my school." 

Dee looked off for some reason. I watched as his expressions kept changing. "What about this jacket? Who does it belong to? That Daniel guy?" Dee held up Vin's jacket as I just remembered he basically demanded me to wash it.

I grabbed it out of Dee's hands as I looked at it. "So? Whose is it?" 

"It's a schoolmates Jacket."

"And why do you have it."

"Dee can you stop interrogating everything. Your not like this."

"Who're you to tell me how I'm usually like?" 

"Dee what has gotten into you?"

Dee stood there silently as he walked out of the bathroom. I watched him leave through the mirror. 'Is he going through a rebellious phase?' I thought to myself. Deciding to ignore it I finished getting dressed for school as well as getting the two others kids ready.

"Okay kids let's get going!" I said, as the three got out of the house as I turned to lock the door up. 

"Wow! Who is this handsome brother!?" I heard Alice exclaimed. I turned around to find tall Daniel.

"Daniel? What are you doing here?" 

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