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"A job for me? What's it for?" I asked through the phone as I sat on the counter at the convenience store watching as Daniel organized the shelf after a group of drunks made a mess.

"It's right here in Seoul, all they need is someone to help DG with his schedule."

"DG? He needs help with his schedule? I don't know B, it don't sound legit to me." 

"It was request made my DG himself. The pay is pretty nice too, enough for you to stop doing side hustles and just focus on this one."

I thought about the money as I bit my lip. 'I don't have a problem with the job, it's just the DG is who  I'll be working with.' I thought. Daniel looked over at me noticing my anxiousness. I gave him a smile to ease his worries.

"Give me time to think about it."

"DG knew you'd say that. He's giving you two days or the offer is over."

"Ok, I'll let you know in two days." I hung up the call as I set my phone down on the counter. I swung my legs as I watched Daniel. 

"What was the job for?" Daniel asked as he glanced up at me then back down at the shelves.

"Helping some guy manage his busy schedule...but I don't like this guy at all." I said as I hopped off the counter to help Daniel.

"Why don't you like him."

"History is all. Anyways do you think you can ask Daniel if he wants to study tomorrow after school?" 

"Yeah I'll let him know." Danny said as he looked up at me with a smile. 'How could i let a chance of Y/N and I being alone together slip.' 

I looked out at the dark sky as I was deep in thought. 'Dee hasn't spoken a single word to me since yesterday, the kids seem to have noticed.' 

As we organized the stuff on the shelves the doors to the store opened, I looked up as I saw Zack walking in. "Zack, what you doing here so late?" I asked as I walked over to him with Danny following behind.

"came here to get some snacks." Zack said as he scratched his cheeks from embarrassment as  yesterdays memories resurfaced. "So why are you here so late, it's way past midnight."

"Hanging out with my bestie!" I exclaimed as I bent down to wrap my arm around Danny. Danny blushed from the sudden contact as he looked away. Zack eyed the hand placement as he tried to ignore it.

"I see, you two are friends." He mumbled annoyed.

"Yup since we were kids." I happily boasted. Few more customers came in as Danny went behind the counter to help them. I followed Zack to the chips as he bent down to check which ones he'd prefer. Zack felt bitter knowing that Y/N thought of someone else as her best friend.

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