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The loud shouts of two people argueing could be heard from outside. The sound of stuff getting thrown around and the cries of two children. 

"YOUR NOT MY MOM!" Dee's loud voice bounced off the walls in the small home. He threw a shirt at you as you swiftly caught it.

"I told you to not get into that type of business!" Your voice  calmer compared to his but still held a powerful tone. 

"IT'S JUST A JOB! WHAT THE BIG DEAL!?" Dee looked at you like you were being unreasonable.

"You know damn well it's just not any job! You are not joining Hostel!" You took a step closer to him as he held his stance. "Especially Olly Wang's Hostel."

Dee glared at you as he looked down at you. "So what? It'll make us money. It's good money Y/N! I can support us better too!" Dee tried to reason. You looked up at him without breaking eye contact.

"I've found a job. It's good pay too Dee. You don't have to work either." 

"Why do you always shoulder the weight to support us? I want to help too. Let me help." Dee begged.

"Your just a kid. You shouldn't have to live like this."

Dee clenched his hands as he stared at the floor. "Your a kid too so why are we different?"

You placed your hand on his shoulder as your softy gave him a squeeze. "Dee, I've never had the chance to be a kid. So why should I now."

Dee eyes softened as he looked at you. "I know, but why cant i help you."

"You can still help me, but not in Hostel. Stick to the cafe, please."

Dee nodded his head in defeat as he went to his bed to lie down. You turned to look at the two children.  "Come here." The two ran into your open arms as they cried.

"I hate seeing you two fight!" Alice sobbed thorough her tears.

"I know, we wont fight okay?"

"Promise?" Mateo looked up at you as with tears.



You rubbed your temples in frustration as you sat at the playground swings. It was dark as the moonlight illuminated your view. You pulled out your phone to call B.

"Y/N! Made your decision yet?"

You sighed in defeat. "Yeah, I'll take the job."

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