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"EVERYONE BRACE YOURSELVES" glitch yelled as the elevator plummeted down with sparks everywhere.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" seek screamed as he flew up to the ceiling of the elevator.

BANG! the elevator hit the bottom of the shaft so hard everyone was knocked unconscious.


"uhh what happened" glitch said as he woke up in the rubble of what the elevator used to be.

"owwwww" said seek clenching his arm in pain.

"oh great, did you break or sprain your arm seek?" glitch asked.

"I think so" seek said still in pain.

"where are we?" screech asked as he was just waking up.

"don't know" said ambush.

"wait where's halt?" glitch said. then they all heard muffled calls for help.

"quick everyone uncover halt!" screech yelled as he began moving the rubble from the elevator. after a minute or so they uncovered halt.

"thanks everyone" halt said who was out of breath.

Rumble rumble

"what's that?" glitch asked.

"The cave must be starting to cave-in. run!" seek said as he immediately started sprinting full speed out of the area.

"go, go, go!" glitch yelled as he started running as fast as he could go.

"help, help!" yelled a mysterious voice. Glitch could barely hear the voice but he could sense them.

"you guys go ahead I have to save someone!" glitch yelled to the rest of the group. he teleported to where he heard the yelling. "hey, you guys ok?"

"yeah for now at least our exit was blocked off" said one of them. "my name's depth, and that's greed" depth added. 

rumble rumble

then the ceiling for the room they were in started collapsing. 


"hold on!" glitch yelled as he grabbed both of them and teleported them to the rest of the group.

"who are these two glitch?" seek said as he saw glitch, depth, and greed spawn where they were.

"this is depth and greed" glitch replied.

"nice to meet you, names seek" seek said "that's halt, screech, ambush, and glitch" he added.

"that way!" depth yelled as she turned to an open gap in the wall. they all followed her in the gap that was just big enough for the seven of them. a second later a massive dust cloud went by. "it's safe to go out now" depth said.

"okay" glitch said.

"follow us we'll bring you to where we live" greed said as he began going down a long and dark hallway. "be careful, not everyone welcomes entities from the hotel down here, most except figure" he added as he disappeared into the darkness.

after a minute or so of walking in the dark they all got to what looked like a camp.

"wow, this place is so cool" ambush said.

"I know right" greed said.

"Depth! Greed!" called another mysterious voice "great to see you alive" they added.

"hey A-60" depth said. "is everything okay here?" she asked.

"yep" A-60 replied.

"wait, you're the legendary A-60?" ambush asked.

"yep" A-60 replied.


"okay then" A-60 said. "I see you've met my sister" he added.

"yep" glitch said. "I saved both depth and greed from the cave-in" he added.

"thanks" A-60 said. "let's go see corrupt, he will decide if you are welcome here" a-60 added as he began walking in the direction of the big rock formation that looked like a house.

"Yo corrupt" A-60 said as he walked in the stone house.

"what's up A-60?" corrupt asked.

"I found five entities with Depth and Greed" A-60 replied.

"show me" corrupt said as they stood up from sitting on a chair. when they both got out of the house A-60 told everyone in the camp to gather round.

"Hmmm are you friends of figure?" corrupt asked.

"yep" glitch said. "and I saved both depth and greed from the cave-in" he added.

"well then you are welcome here. there are multiple spare little houses for you to stay in for the time being" corrupt said. "make yourselves feel at home" they added.

"alright" glitch said.

"oh one more thing thanks for savving depth and greed" corrupt said before entering his stone house.

DOORS: AN AU (rewrite in progress)Where stories live. Discover now