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"man today is a great day" Glitch said as he was walking down the hall with depth.

"I know right" depth said. depth was walking beside glitch. she always enjoyed walking through the halls with glitch.

Glitch had told everyone about guiding light. with guiding lights permission of course. he also controlled his anger issues with the help of depth. seek was proud of glitch. Glitch also let seek start calling him bro again and glitch had become used to it. 

"Hey glitch" halt said as he appeared on the other side of Glitch. 

"hey halt" Glitch said.

"Hey halt it's nice to see you again, how have you been?" depth asked.

"pretty good lately, and you?" halt asked.

"same" depth said.

"so glitch how's it like having someone else in your room?" halt asked

"well I mean I have less space but I'm fine with that because depth and I are getting to know more about each other every day, I also have controlled my anger issues with the help of depth" Glitch replied.

"good" halt said. "anyway I have to go see you later."

"hey depth have you ever wanted to leave the hotel?" Glitch asked.

"I mean it would be cool to see what's out there" Depth replied.

"why don't we go see together" Glitch said. He had an Idea. Glitch would teleport both him and Depth out of the hotel, just so they could see what was out there. "alright, hold on" Glitch said as he teleported Depth and himself out of the hotel.

"it's so pretty" Depth said as she saw the sun starting to set.

"it feels so good to be outside" Glitch said.

"why don't we stay out to see the sun set" Depth said.

"sure, why not" Glitch said as he sat down on the grass. then Depth sat beside him.

"We definitely should tell everyone about this" Depth said. as she rested her head on Glitch's shoulder

"yep" Glitch said. as the sun was almost set depth kissed Glitch on the cheek then stood up. Glich blushed as Depth kissed him on the cheek.

"I love you" Depth said.

"I love you too" Glitch said as he stood up. and they both went back to the hotel

DOORS: AN AU (rewrite in progress)Where stories live. Discover now