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A few days later

"alright guys I think we should go back to the hotel glitch said to halt, ambush, seek and screech.

"but it's nice here" screech said.

"yeah were all accepted here" halt said.

"I have an idea, we bring these entities back with us so they don't have to risk being killed by cave-ins," glitch said. "who agrees?" he asked.

"I agree" seek said.

"me too" said ambush.

"sure!" screech said happily.

"okay" halt said.

"then it's settled, i'll go tell them that we're leaving and they can come with us" glitch said as he began to walk and tell corrupt. glitch then came back with depth, A-60, silence, greed, and corrupt.

"Wait, how do we get back up?" halt asked.

"we teleport" depth said looking at glitch.

"sure" glitch said. "I think I can teleport all of us" he added.then they all grouped up around glitch except for screech who can fly and went back to the hotels 100th room. 

"good to see you alive glitch" figure said. "oh hey guys" figure said to the entities from beneath the hotel.

"sup figure" A-60 said.

"make yourselves feel at home" glitch said.

"hey glitch could I see your room?" asked depth.

"oh yeah sure why not" he said as he pulled out a map and showed depth where his room was.

"thanks" glitch said as he started to follow depth then was pulled back by seek. "what is it seek?" glitch asked with an annoyed tone.

"I think she likes you" seek said.

"what do you mean?" glitch asked.

"I think she has a crush on you" seek said. "I think you got yourself a girl" he added.

"yeah whatever I got to catch up with depth see you around seek" glitch said as he ran off to catch up to depth.

What did seek mean by 'I got myself a girl' glitch thought to himself as he reached his room and opened the door to see depth looking around.

"your room is so cool" depth said "it's also massive" she added.

"The second biggest room in the hotel" glitch said. "figure's is the biggest" he added.

"can I stay here? i mean it's got space for both of us" depth asked.

"sure why not" glitch said. "also one quick question" he added.

"yeah?" depth asked.

"do you have a crush on me?" glitch asked.

"yes, I mean your a hero, you saved my life, and your super brave" depth replied.

"okay, so thats why you wanna stay in this room" glitch said.

DOORS: AN AU (rewrite in progress)Where stories live. Discover now